Recklace Souls 6

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *hugs everybody tightly*

    Hey there all!! I can't believe how long it's been since I've gotten on.. omg, it looks like I missed quite a party here. Oh well, another b-day is probably going to come up soon =P If not.. then there's mine on June the 29th!

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Everyone's birthday is so soon!..
    my birthday isn't until october.

    ANyways whats up?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    (that's my birthday)
    *hugs everybody*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hehe, my moms b-day is September 3rd and my ex boyfriends >.> b-day is on Halloween.

    And yay for June b-days!! Lol that makes like, 3 people with b-days on June 10th. I have mine all to myself though =D June 29th, oh yeah!!!

    *hugs everybody as well*
    *Skips around with Gab*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *skips round with kaylA*
    *hugs everyone*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Hugs everyone as well* wow were in the hugging mood today.
    im in computer lab with jake beside me rofl! Im so happy...
    *Starts skipping with Gabriella and Kayla* This is fun:P

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    who's jake????
    *skips even more with elaine and kayla*
    i love skipping
    *blows kisses to everyone*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Im dating him.. he's my adorably handsome boyfriend.

    *Continues to skip*
    Skipping is fun...

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    im so happy for u

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    LOl *Hugs estrella-onna* Thank's

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *hugs back*

    Awww.. I'm so happy for you Elaine! It's great that you have a boyfriend =) Especially a cute one.. that's always something, hehe! I feel bad for my boyfriend, he is forced to be with me while I'm sick. It sucks, last night I woke up at 4 am and started puking... have been sick all day and have puked a few more times. I'm so sick and I have no idea why! My mom and my brother are sicker than I am though, so I guess I don't have it all that bad.

    *twirls Gab and Elaine around* Wee!!

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Jake has too put up with me aswell.. Im sick too. Only Im not puking it's more like High Fever, cough, Migrane, and Stuffed up nose. I just hope I don't get him sick!
    I have my Soccer tournament this weekend too, so I hope I get better. or adleast improve...

    *Twirls with Kayla and Gabriella* *Grabs Marlanna and pulls her in*

    Kayla we can be sick together!...

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Lol, sounds like me! I'm glad you're not puking though Elaine.. it sucks >.< I've been throwing up and have also had migranes as well. I hate it! And my family members being sick too doesn't help me at all lol. I hope we both get better soon!!

    *cheers for Elaine and keeps twirling with her and Gab* Wee!! We can be sick together lol.

    And thank you Broken =D *licks the ballon* I apperciate it!! *hugs*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Kayla I know.. Puking sucks bad! like i hate it so much.. I always end up crying after I puke [wimp I know] I hope you get better soon... *Gives her a hug and hands over a bag of soda crackers*:p they will help settle your stomach.
    Marlanna I hope you don't get sick either.. but it is possible there's so much cr*p going around these days.
    *Continues to twirl*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *Squeals and hugs Elaine and Marlanna*

    Omg, yay!! I feel so much better today.. my stomach doesn't hurt anymore and I don't feel like I'm going to puke every second.I feel so wonderful! Bwahahahahahahha!!!! *twirls Elaine, Gab, and Marlanna around* W00t! This is fun =D I love twirling lol.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *twirls with kayla*
    im so glad your feeling better!!
    i really do hate puking too, i feel so bad when i get sick like that, *hugs her*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Thanks Gab!!!
    *hugs Gab back*
    Lol, who doesn't hate puking? I think it's terrible! I hate it and hate it some more >.< It's good for nothing and makes you feel bad and leaves a bad taste in your mouth lol.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Not to mention eventually burns a hole in your throat (YiKES!)
    Im feeling better too.. My lungs are still acting up and I have to go to the doctors tommorow.. But I am feeling a whole lot better! *Smiles and twirls some more*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Wow. you've been gone so longggg!!!
    *hugs elaine*
    i missed u!!!
    but whats wrong with your lungs????
    why does everyone hav to go to the docter or the hospital!!!
    they're leaving me all alone!!!!
    *cries in the corner*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *hugs Elaine too*
    Yay!! It's great you're feeling better sweetie.. would be sad if you were still sick! Omg.. I hate it when your lungs act up, doesn't feel too good lol.
    *comforts Gab*
    It's okay Gab... We're all fine now =D I promise!

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *hugs elaine and kayla*
    i missed u both.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Hugs gabriella, kayla, and marlanna*
    Ya We where hoping my lung's would clear up over the weekend but they didn't.. And they sorta interferred with my tournament so ya.. I have to go to the doctor's before it turns into neumonia.

    Gabriella you don't have to get left behind *smiles* you can come to the doctor/ hospital and cheer us up *Laughs*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *hugs elaine*
    that makes me feel sadd...
    but i will... i will bring ya'll bunches of gorgeous flowers and sparklers and jump on a pogo stick and dance around till there is no sick person left in this universe...

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    I love flowers! Your so sweet.
    Lol and Sparklers are fun and the pogo stick is funny:p
    How are you?

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Wow! noone has posted in awhile..
    Has the party died?

    *Pulls out balloons and streamers. with a sad yet hopefull look on face*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Hello Melanie.
    How are you doing?
    Wanna help me hang some of these streamers? *holds out bright colored streamers*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    I'm sooo sorrry!!!
    i was gone for a while.
    and i'll be gone during the day every day this whole week
    oh no.
    *helps elaine with the streamers*
    *hugs her*
    hey melanie!!! welcome to the recklace souls....

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Wow I havent been in here for like ever!!! how is everyone? soerry I havent been in very often!

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Wow, I am also guilty of not getting on here as much either.. sorry girls! *hugs tightly* How have my sweeties been lately? Good here.. not sick at all anymore, actually I think I might be getting a cold >.> Been sneezing a bit and have been coughing some.

    Hi there Melanie, welcome to Recklace Souls! If you want somewhere else to talk to, you should post on the forum "Power of Girls".

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago


  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    My recklace Ladies are back! *Drops the streamer's and embraces them all* I've missed you all so much.
    Melanie's our newcomer. I hope she enjoys herself as we surely have in our thread recklace souls.
    Marlanna: Thats awesome for you! lol you seem to get your hair done alot *grins*

    My grad coming up... I've got my dress, but Im still looking for shoe's and a hair salon! Im so nervous. Like I swear Im gonna fall flat on my face, and everyone is gonna laugh at me and Im gonna be like totally humiliated. But on the other hand Im excited for spending my night with jake and seeing him in his suit and going for our limo ride afterwards, then hitting some after parties.
    lol have you guys been/ are nervous about your grad?

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    I left school before grad... got offered a fulltime job that I couldn't refuse! but I did to my mates 21st and his theme was American Prom and that was a month or two after I should have been at my formal lol so I still got to buy a dress and get all beautiful for it lol he even had someone to call us all up onto a designated stage area and read out our names one by one and we all recieved a scroll saying 'this is a certificate of excellence for coming to Reece's 21st' haha and we had prom king and queen and prince and princess and I was princess lol, just not quite good enough for queen, who was Madison and she looked so stunning I didnt think it was possible lol :) and Michael was my prince haha

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    yay elaine!!!!
    *hugs her*
    you sound like you'll be having bunches of fun, at the grad , and with jake.

    *hugs lucy too* that's so cool. i wish we did stuff like that here. but we don't, and i won't graduate for like 10 more yrs or something.
    so yea.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    W00t, go Elaine!! *hugs* I know you're going to do great at your grad =) lol, I think we're all afraid we'll fall or something and get totally embarrassed but that never happens if you think about it! You usually get through your night without embarrassment. But anyways, I know you'll have fun and I know you'll do great!

    *hugs Gab* You're so silly... btw, I thought you were supposed to be going to that summer camp thing?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *hugs kayla* yea. i'm leaving for it in just a few minutes, *yawns* i had to wake up early so i just came on here this morning to say hi to everyon!!!!
    bye bye for now

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Hugs Kayla and Gab* Aw thanks guys.. Your so sweet.

    I got a three day break from ya been chilling like it's summer.
    How about you guys?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    It is summer over here for me, but this week i went to a summer i am like really tired.
    but it's fun!!! i fell in mud a few days ago, and so it was a great start to my wweek. lol .
    no really, i've had bunches of fun even though i am sore all over now.
    *hugs elaine*
    hooray for summer... and three day breaks!!!!

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Whoot Whoot! *Continues cheer* I have a week and two days then it's summer for me!
    *Spins Gabriella*

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Wooot woooot... it just started as winter here... sux to be me lol so cold!! YAY FOR 3 DAY BREAKS TOO haha I get one of those this weekend :) So happy lol

    *Hugs Gaby* Glad you had fun it hun! thats awesome... yeas I could understand how you would be sore all over haha apparantyly it actually takes effort to ride a horse, you have to keep bouncing your bum on the saddle lol

    *Hugs Elaine* Hehe I don't think I have hugged you before... do you like my hugs lol

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *hugs elaine&lucy*
    *skips around*