Weather's Affect

  • Lost Soul 691
    17 years ago

    Have you ever stopped to wonder how we're so wrapped up and drawn in by nature's taunts! Right now it's "pouring rain" on a long weekend ... and I was set to go to the camp.

    So why should I ... let this get me down? The good angel on my shoulder says to shake it off, drive up there any way ... run and twirl in the field. Turn face up to the sky and feel the glory of nature's caress.

    Yet the bad angel tells me to jump back in bed, hide under the covers, pout and sleep it off.

    So how does weather affect you?

    PS - for those of you who are in to "grammar", I couldn't decide EFFECT or AFFECT, two words I always confuse

  • isabel
    17 years ago

    My grammar is pretty bad...=P
    so don't worry...

    hmmm...i'd go out and walk in the rain...

    weather affects me in the way that i go outside, i get all wet and get sick...
    (i have the same cold since september...=P)

    anyone you choose, hope you have fun =)

  • ~me~
    17 years ago

    People can have
    S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
    so if it is rainy they are sad

  • limp
    17 years ago

    Not everybody has a 'seasonal disorder' and it effects nearly everybody, some people are so determined to not let it bother them, but it usually gets to everyone. Why would a horrible grey rainy day NOT make you feel miserable, and a sunny day make you happy? Or happier? It just sets a mood in the sky I guess.