why does spelling matter?

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    yea the question is in the heading

  • Johnny Marlin 2
    19 years ago

    Spelling errors are a problem, because they make the poem look elementary. Is it so hard to proof read/use the spell checker? No offense meant.

  • StarGirl
    19 years ago

    It's more the meaning of trying to figure out what your saying more than the spelling. But it's nice to have good grammar too.

    It's more annoying when people use certain slang rather than bad spelling.

  • ~Bloodied&Broken
    19 years ago

    i agree, but the odd mistake that is still readable- who cares?

  • Johnny Marlin 2
    19 years ago

    Odd mistakes are readable. One of my favorite author's recently wrote a poem and accidently substatuted would for world. Easy mistake, although not a spelling error...

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    i know it may be hard to understand but most of the poets on this site aren't the type of people that write for it to look good or get 100% on a english test they write because they want to have a say or are feeling upset and have writen about their feelings, i personly think that when people on this site make thousands of post saying people cant spell it offends some people. also if you don't like how people write there poems why dont they just not read that poets peotry. sorry but i am so confused?!?!

  • David
    19 years ago

    It is my opinion that grammar and spelling are all about presentation. Poetry in writing, is the translation of my emotions and imagination. When I present it to the reader, I want them to capture what I was feeling at that very moment. It would be kind of hard if I presented it with incorrect spelling and grammatical errors. I am pretty sure that most people here are writing to impress, or leave an impression. Plus you can usually tell how much work, or how much do the poem mean to the poet just by looking at the grammar, and correct spelling.
    I have read some excellent poems with the worst grammar, and spelling errors.

    Writing doesn't make the poet, imaginations does, but writing is the medium which we depend to transfer that imagination.


  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    I don't like reading poetry with mispellings. I think that if I put the effort into making my poems presentable, then others should as well. It really isn't that hard to open a dictionary or just ask someone else. Another thing, I don't really take mispelled poetry seriously.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Personally it doesn't worry me at all - as long as it aint ridiculous I can usually understand what the poet i trying to portray - for me its difficult being in Australia - sme of our spelling is different to US English so it can be confusing for both myself and the readers - also when I write alot of the time I am so full of emotion I just need to get it down ASAP - spelling is the last thing on my mind...i probably should double check before posting but considering I access my poems and the web at work I dont always have time but still want my stuff posted...anyways thats my two cents!
    Thanks for listening =Eirisa=

  • Ashlee Nicole
    19 years ago

    See small spelling errors for some reasoneasily tends to annoy me I don't know whyt It just does.