Writer's Block Poetry Contest

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago



    i want you...to write an acrostic on writer's block!!! YAY!!! here is what you do:

    1. create an acrostic.
    2. post it.
    3. wait for the judging and prizes!!!

    here is an example of a writers block poem:

    Tips for Writer's block:

    Writers block...
    Read what other people offer!
    It never hurts to try something new.
    Test your skills.
    Excite your mind.
    Relate to feelings.
    Soar to new heights!!!!

    and if that doesn't help,

    Beat it out of your brain.
    Look into what you thought you could never do.
    Open up to what was denied.
    Create new thoughts.
    Kill writers block with a creative poem!!!

    you may add in extra sentences as i did.

    have fun, and good luck!! this contest ends in exactly one week. =)


  • Live WeLL
    17 years ago

    What to write? What to write?
    Really stuck. Been up all night.
    I can't think. I just don't know,
    This pen says write, my mind says no.
    Each time I write, it just seems wrong,
    Rewrite, Rewrite. I'll go down strong.
    See, this I hate, my words are stuck

    But no solution, just my luck.
    Look around, some inspiration
    Ongoing to some wordy creation.
    'Cause inspiration is all you need
    Know what to write, and you'll succeed!

  • Twisted Heart
    17 years ago

    With pen in hand, I sit alone
    Regressing thoughts in monotone
    Inside my mind sweet letters flow
    Though not together do they go
    Enter heart, the soul has died
    Relenting tears, no place to hide
    Such stress released but not by ink

    Beneath a mind that's on the blink
    Low shudders of a boggled mind
    Opaque in hue and tossed by time
    Clear now inside, a heart that waits
    Kept hidden from the pen and page.

    17 years ago

    Words can't seem to come out just
    Right, my rhythm
    Is far off from what it needs
    To be. My eager
    Eyes scan the blank page,
    Restlessly I
    Shift in my chair, can't sit still.

    Blank paper, blank mind;
    Laughter drenched in anger comes
    Out of my pursed lips, the pen
    Clicking repetitively under my thumb, mind gone
    Kaput, all focus is lost.

    -Jenna Elphick
    May 23, 2007

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    Wow!!!! three days and five poems. pretty good, I've read through them and you guys rock my socks!!!!

    keep writing people, four days left!

    (I might have to extend the contest however, I'll be out of town for a while and dont know if I'll have computer access.)

  • *Charisma*
    17 years ago

    Wondering, waiting, anticipating
    Reaching out but grabbing air
    Intense concentration, such aggravation
    Trying to touch what's not there
    Endless frustration, no revelation
    Roping in thoughts I can't use
    Stuck in the mud, Words won't flood

    Battling a battle I know I will lose
    Lack of inspiration, complete desperation
    Oh, please let me finish this rhyme
    Counting down minutes, still nothing in it
    Knowing I've run out of sweet time

    By: Charisma*

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago


    Judging is tomorrow.

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    Well i tried to post the winners... but my computer wouldnt let me, it crashed... so let me try again, i still remember the winners!

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    1st place (4 comments and favs)- charisma
    2nd place (3 comments)- twisted heart
    3rd place (2 comments)- live well
    everybody else: 1 comment on a poem of your choice.

    PLEASE post which poems you want commented on, as i am quite indescisive...

  • *Charisma*
    17 years ago

    WOW! Thanks!!!! That's awesome!
    Congrats to all!!!!


    1. Should've Said No
    2. Some Hearts
    3. Bury Me Deep In Your Heart
    4. I Miss You A Little

    Thank you bunches!!!!

  • Twisted Heart
    17 years ago

    Thanks ever so much. If you could just comment my three latest, would be happy.

    Thanks again


  • Live WeLL
    17 years ago

    Oh wow, Thanks!

    You can comment "Uncontrollable Differences"


    "All Because I Wear This Smile"

    Thanks again and congrats to all =]

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    Sorry guys!!!

    Ive been SO busy... Im really stressed out; i have a really big party in 4 days so ive been planning that.

    If everybody would PLEASE (along with posting your requests here) PM me which poems you would like commented, I would greatly appreciate it.