Space and it's limits.

  • Unseen Exposure
    17 years ago

    So, I was recently having this conversation with my Dad about space and where it ends. I just wanted to know what your beliefs are. I have a hard time figuring out where it all ends. My mind can't wrap itself around the idea that it's never ending. I mean, are we an entire universe inside an atom on a chair of another universe? Are there other universes inside the atoms on our chairs? And, if we are the only 'space' that exists, what is outside of it? Are we stuck inside a box? A circle? I'm utterly baffled ...

    AND! Does God exist in space? If we lived on a star or on an asteroid ... or even on a space station (assuming it was possible) would God exist?

  • kelsi
    17 years ago

    Haha i dont qiute understand where the whole space stuff ends, if it ever ends...but i do believe that God exsist everywhere :]

    now you have got me to thinkin lol

  • january friend
    17 years ago

    Ya know, i was just wondering about this very topic a while ago. there are all these theories adn thay all contradict each other, yet they cant exist with out each other...

  • swill
    17 years ago

    Read "A Briefer History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. A very good book.

    Space-time, the dimension of space, is curved, or warped. Hence, there is no end to the universe, because it is circular. Almost like the earth, you can keep running but you're only going to be revolving it, never escape it. Also, it is impossible to journey around the universe, because, if nothing can travel faster than light can, the time span taken to travel at the speed of light around the universe is calculated to be such that in that time, the universe is scheduled to not exist anymore.

  • swill
    17 years ago

    If anything can travel faster than light, E = mcsquare does not hold true any more, and Einstein is not a genius! Can you please provide your source of something travelling faster than light?

  • swill
    17 years ago

    Alrighty...btw, I looked it up and I did find some stuff that travels faster than the speed of light...for example, the velocity of particles in certain waves, but that has to do with the amplitude...not with the propogation of waves.... :D

  • Ashleigh Skye
    17 years ago

    Personally I think that god exists in a place farther away than space, and I think that space is never ending. I think however that god is just a presance that helps people deal with their lives so it doenst really exist. Space however is like a giant circle it goes on forever and the proceeds to go back to the beginning.

  • Noir
    17 years ago

    The Universe according to us, is the galaxies with which the scientists calculated. The question is, is the empty space holding those stars, galaxies...Ether. Never ending...

    But if you are asking if there is a multi-verse, than I suggest you check the "Many worlds Interpretation or MWI.

    As for God existing in space...Hey maybe, but as far as I can interpret the books, it seems that God lives in our sky, to which we call heaven...Lol.