Aliens? Or Just Us?

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    Here's another topic up for discussion.

    We've got[lately]

    ...So, I submit yet another.

    Do you think there are other people out there?
    Or other creatures?

    ...And if there are, what would that mean about us?
    Or, perhaps there are no other things/creatures/life forms out there.
    And then what?
    What happens to us?

    I'm intrigued with this...
    What're your ideas on it?

  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    Well, they obviously built the pyramids. And invented Furbies.

    No, actually... I think there's probably something else out there. From one of my favorite movies: "..if not... then it's a pretty big waste of space..."

  • Noir
    17 years ago


    I'm not allowed to say this but we've our own alien,here in P&Q...An alien that believes in God..

    Rhymes with Jikeal...Lol

  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    : P

    Well, that is a kind of interesting question. If aliens came to earth, preaching the Gospel... what would that mean? My friend is writing a 200 page novel on that very question, lol.

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    Hahaha, Noir...

    Hmm... Jikael, Trikael.... Plikael!
    Wow... ::HARD::

    I guess if they came preaching the bible, we might just have to sign over our non-christian contracts and join the big man.
    Unless, we want to burn in hell...

    I wonder. After awhile one must get used to flames burning one's flesh...
    I'm sure the s'mores down thataways are delicious.


  • Noir
    17 years ago

    Jesus is an Alien?

    Stop the presses...Lol

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    Might explain the star the wise men followed...

    "E.T.... Phone home...."


  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    Ahhhh ha... oh dear

  • Shar
    17 years ago

    There is the whole of the universe out there, i believe there are other living things out there somewhere..

  • Jordan
    17 years ago

    It would be completely ridiculous if there weren't any other living organisms somewhere other than on Earth. There's no way that this can be the only inhabited planet....that would be a complete waste of SOOOO many giant rocks!

    We could use those empty rocks to harvest materials for our uses! Hahaha.

  • Michael D Nalley
    17 years ago

    No wonder these Neil Young lyrics sent shivers down my spine

  • Kevin
    17 years ago

    Aliens? I'll let Alexander Pope, the famous poet say it for me.

    "Presume then God not to scan, the proper study of mankind is man"

    If you will forgive the sexism, and the change Aliens for God, that about sums up what I think of Aliens.

    And that is a classic song Micheal.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    Theyd only be aliens if they came to earth.. theyre simply citizens of other planets. =]

    and yes they are there-how could they not be..

    or maybe this whole 'space, universe' thing is simply a coverup story about how we're experiments in some biodome... hmm....

  • Noir
    17 years ago

    Well do I believe honestly that there are intelligent lifeforms out there...

    Yes, we live in a vast universe, with over ten named galaxies, and maybe more unnamed. Each with a different solar system, planets etc.

    I do believe there are lifeforms that are in range with our intellectual ability and capabilitity (Sp?)

    However seeing as the westren society is heavily invested on it's own vanity and ego. I seriously hope that those other intelligent lifeforms don't take the same route...Lol.

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    Hijacking my thread!

    Just kidding.

    Well... How about another out-there idea?

    Alternate realities.
    Quantum Physics.

    If you ask me, they both go together with aliens.

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    Ah, but you have to remember how psychotically vast space is.

    I mean, it's really freaking far to get to mars, for one. Then, it's psycho far to go to jupitar. And, pluto? Well... hah.
    But, even after you realize how far away pluto is, you have to realize that our solar system, or, better yet, our sun, is just one in trillions of stars in our galaxy.
    And that galaxy is one in a whole big cluster of galaxies with trillions of stars with as many solar systems.
    Now, say, we don't find any life forms in our galazy...[[Remember, that's trillions of suns, just like, or incredibly different, to ours]]
    For one, our technology, as far as I know, is nowhere near being able to travel to alternate solar systems.
    Let alone being able to search the whole galaxy.
    Or any of the other galaxies in our cluster.
    Or any other clusters besides ours.

    Man, there are just SO FREAKING MANY options out there...

    The reason I brought up alternate realities, or parallel universes[whatever you want to call it...]
    is because there ARE so many options.
    If some crazy conglomeration of atoms got together to form our system of life, who's to say that another cluster of atoms got together somewhere else? What if there's another planet like ours out there?

    Or one we could maybe live on? What would it be like?
    Would there be an entirely new life form... not plants, not animals, that we can't even imagine?
    Would there be creatures with features so different than ours that they could do amazing things we couldn't even explain?

    Would there be other people out there, who are EXACTLY LIKE US?
    I hope so.

  • Unseen Exposure
    17 years ago

    I have to believe that there are other life forms out there ... I can't imagine that we are the "and all, be all" of existence. When Earth is swallowed up by the sun, there will be no more of what we know and I refuse to believe that everything will resume to nothingness. I believe that somewhere out there that there is life, or at least, potential for life to exist.

  • Steven Beesley
    17 years ago

    Probabilty would dictate that there are other life forms out there in the vast expanse. We are but one small solar system in an enormous maze.

    But hey, I'm one of those who actually sits around with radio equipment listening out for strange signals from deep space and ET in my spare time? See the movie contact (Jodi Foster) and you will know what I'm talking about.

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    Probability... Maybe.
    Do we have enough data to suggest that life forms on other planets are probable?

    Haha, Contact is a great movie. ...If not somewhat scary in terms of the creepy blond guy...