I've recently been toying around with types of poetry. And, I've came up with a few that I think are quite fun to do.
Here's one of them:
You randomly pick letters or numbers and use those as the first letter/number in each line of your poem. You can have as many letters/numbers as you want, but they have to be randomly picked.
Where darkness lies.
Letters used: paoiyghwetasetha.
Perfection only exists in the darkest of dreams.
Appointing the worst fantasies to become memories.
Our minds cannot save us, from the evil inside. For,
in our dreams is where it always seems to hide.
You and I cannot make it through another hell lived life.
Honor and commitment are just facades ruining the brave.
While deep inside we lie to ourselves, forgetting who we truly are.
Even if there were a such thing as happiness, I bet we'd never know.
The truth will set us free, but it's something we have to search for.
And, the evil inside will push us further and further away until
suddenly we're too far to ever reach what we need.
Everlasting hope shall surely die before our dying days.
The time has come, my dearest friend for all
honest lies to finally come to an end.
And, keep us safe where darkness lies.
- - - -
It's not the best type I've come up with, but it's actually quite fun.
And, the rest I'm still kind of working on, eh.
What do you think of it?