Glad to meet a friend...

  • michelle
    17 years ago

    Is anyone has a friendster??

    im turning 17...

    for all interested pls pm your friendster e-mail...

    thank you

  • michelle
    17 years ago

    If its waste of time then why your keep on coming back...

  • silence
    17 years ago

    And you're doing all of this because?

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Me? you're silencing me??? um no

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Was it really your business to begin with? I mean it was an open topic so really it's everyone's.

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Such young children. You think cracking on someone and putting them down will livin the post. Making fun of someone for your own amusement. Yes, that makes you seem like you use your brain.

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago


    *gasps for air*

    wow guys. this topic has made me laff so hard. and yes, laff, not laugh.

    ^-^ mini bob strikes back!!!

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Im with ya silence dont worry! Matt all you do is pick on people that you think arent as good as you... well you DONT rule this forum Matt, I didnt want to fight or argue with you again but really, you just keep giving me more reasons to!

  • Bre
    17 years ago

    Lighten up lucy matt is just havin fun but this post is kinda stupid i mean it started about frindster and now you all are just acting immature and there is nothin wrong with teeny boppers

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Bre - I dont even know what friendsters are but Matt was doing it for show, all the shit he was saying earlier in the thread was just him trying to act tough because he had an audience, seriously, this forum is friendeship forum and she wants to talk about friendster she should be able to instead of being scared away an immature... I sure am!!! thats why I still have fun!!

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Omg whatever, you r older than me and still too stupid for me to actually contiunue this with.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Though shalt not judge??

    isnt that what you have been doing on this thread the whole time!

    yeah, I think it is. pfffft.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    So is this now reverted to 'because you are older than me you are better than me' strange because you just proved mty first point in this argument. thanks

    I believe I warned you but nope, you have just humiliated yourself!!

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Ooooh matthew -laughs harder-
    wise with what? tell me what is wise, and understand? what is it you understand because if you were an understanding person than should I not be able to understand you? well from where I stand you look like a confused little boy!
    you have no idea of all the things you have listed, you are 19 and have lived through what? dear, dear Matt, stop trying.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    The original poster probably keeps coming onto this but doesnt want to say anything because when she started this thread she got nothing but insults for it, yes, it might be fun for him to start teasing and laughing at people, but its not fun for that person.

    AND I am writing a book about what Ive been through so thank you for that
    and not yet grown enough hey? thats why your going on about how your older so you have more wisdom and understanding and maturity and whatever else... that is childish.

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago


    I may be one of the young 'uns, the teenyboppers i believe they have been referred to as, but I completely agree with britt. This started out in good fun and escalated into an argument. Lucy, honestly, its not worth the effort arguing, because eventually a mod will walk in when you get too upset and type random curse words, and then youll be the one most likely getting into trouble. Common sense dear!!!

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    Haha. i can be quite the serious teenybopper at times, but otherwise, IM FREAKIN HILARIOUS!!!!

    and that, my friends, is a truthie.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Common sense hey, the starter of this thread may not think its so much 'fun' to be laughed at and judged, I'm not going to start cursing at mods, I don't like watching people get laughed at or teased. we call it bullying here in Australia.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Shut up and stop the argueing people! I'm sick of it. If this continues I WILL get a moderator in here.

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    ^ Agreed.

    And Lucy, I'm sorry if I said something that pissed u off at me. I'm younger than you are, so therefore you have the right to control me. =)

    And to the original poster of this thread (where ever you may be) if you do come back soon, PLEASE post your personal thoughts on this thread!!! Everybodys talking about how you 'might' feel, but nobody will really know until you say it yourself!


  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Allah yes you did say some stuff that did aggrivate me but just because your younger than me doesnt mean I can or will control you, Im not like that and that is/was my main atrgument with Matt in the first place. this is a friendship forum not a 'lets be judged and laughed at' forum. thats all I have to say to anyone about it.

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago


    Can I ask why you call me Allah??? Glen-Duh happens to call me that as well.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Because we were in a forum one day and you were asking people to come up with a nicvkname for you and Marsha and I chose Allah for you

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Or did I call you Aliah?? it might have been Aliah?

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    Oh yeah!! it was Alliah!

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Haha ok well I will continue to call you Alliah!