Does anyone else feel this way?

  • tyanna
    17 years ago

    I'll start by saying I was diagnosed with reoccuring depression and Post traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD)... But not even my meds seem to be working anymore.. For like the past 2 wks I have been so angry, sad, confussed...I don't have a family to fall back on and no one who listens to me. No one understands how I feel or even care. To be honest, I don't even know how I feel or why I feel this way. I try to surround myself with positive things..walks along the river, etc..but it doesn't do much good. My fiance is just tired of dealing with all of this but i don't blame him. He doesn't seem to even be effected when I cry..he used to say it was fake b/c I cried after I got done screaming at him.. I'm just so freaking alone...Seriously. I've moved so many times after school I have no family are all drug addicts that have nothing to do with me....What do I do??? I've been going to therapy, I'm on meds, I am a christian, I surround myself in positive things.....What is wrong with me?? I am so confused...My emotions are just running wild and I can't control myself..I'm angry, then sad....and it's not over anything in particular..It just happens...

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Wow thats horrible! I can't say that I know how you feel because my fam,ily have always been there for me. Maybe if you try and meet some people, go clubbing or just to the shopping centre and meet people, make some friends, being surrounded by close friends is a really big weight off the chest, you will find that maybe your not so depressed when they are around you.

    Im sorry you have to go through this! if you ever need to talk just pm me yeah?

  • tyanna
    17 years ago

    I'm not a very social person.. I have a lot of anxiety due to the PTSD. I get really nervous around people I don't know. I know it sounds kind of stupid but it's like I have panic attacks. I mean, I can go shopping and stuff like that but when people start talking to me I just get really uncomfotable...I'm scared of getting close to people..I just couldn't take having someone I was close to turn their back on me like my family has. I'm just so damn confussed..

  • Deana
    17 years ago

    First don`t think your alone in feeling this way,many of us get depressed and sad and lonely,all of us humans are very much alike on the inside. Obviously your meds are not doing what their supposed to,you might want to talk to your doctor about this,what works for some doesn`t work for all.don`t judge everyone by what your family has done to you,there are people out there you can trust,but you have to take the risk,you need a support system, but it only takes one good friend. your boyfriend probably just don`t know what to do .if you ever need to talk I would be happy to listen, good luck sweetie.

  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    I am sorry to hear about your misfortune. You need to let your doctor know this if you haven't already. He can change the medication or adjust the dose you are currently receiving. Sometimes it can take a couple weeks for the medication to build up in your system to a therapeutic level. You can also ask the doctor for a list of support groups. Continue therapy. If you are currently talking one on one with a counselor maybe you could add group therapy.
    You can also try going for a brisk walk or jog if you are physically capable and have discussed an exercise regimin with your physician. Exercise is a great stress reliever and causes your body to release "feel good" endorphins. Try to recognize triggers to your mood swings and remove them from your environment if possible whether that be certain people or objects that induce negative emotions.
    I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything works out for you.

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    Hey, if the question is whether anyone else feels this way, well, yeah.

    Lots of people do, you aren't alone.

    I don't have PTSD, but I was diagnosed with Dysthymia a few years ago.
    They have me on Zoloft, but you know, these last two weeks have brought me right back into what it was before. And, believe me, it was hellish. And now it's getting pretty hot.
    I don't know why, but I do know a lot of people who have been really depressed lately, not just me.
    The only suggestion I can think of is to get outside and do something. Be it cycling, hiking,playing hopscotch, whatever.
    Being outdoors seems to really help me a lot. Especially if I'm out with friends or close family.

    Other than that, just try to stick it out, and be aware that you aren't alone.

    You can PM me if you'd like to talk.

  • tyanna
    17 years ago

    Thanks to everyone who has responded to this post without being rude or telling me to pick up a bible...a lot of people have told me that one...
    I try to spend a lot of time outside helps in a way but then I just get more depressed b/c I wish I could be doing it with my family....i think I'm going to talk to my doc about uping my dosage since the Lexapro worked great for about 3 months or so.. Again..thanks everyone for your support..It's good to know there's someone whos willing to listen..

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Yes, some of these suggestions I have to wonder about...clubbing? A person with PTS and depression does not usually find it easy to bounce around with strangers. Depressed people are not exactly social butterflies. That's a generalization of course.

    Anyway, it seems often bad things happen to good people, and contrarily, good things happen to bad people. It's unfair. If you have no one close to you to listen, it's good you are broadening your search to online friends instead of closing in on yourself. That is a very positive sign. Sometimes it's hard making friends around where you live, especially when everyone seems to be settled into their 'friendship groups' already, but it's important to have some form of social life in the real world, outside of the internet's vast expanse. Or not. You could meet people online around where you live, and then plan to meet up with them in person over time, in a safe environment of course. Maybe you can join a club that isn't too intimidating. Or an adult softball team? Do you have a job? Jobs are positive in so many ways, as long as you're not stuck doing something you absolutely hate doing.

    Also, about your meds...some meds work opposite of their tendencies. My old therapist explained that every anti-depressant doesn't work or works in reverse for about 30% of the human population. You have to find a med that works for you. Unfortunately, anti-depressants take a few weeks or more to kick in, so this process can be lengthy.

    If your therapist isn't helping you, you either haven't opened up enough to her/him, or you need a new therapist. Their methods may not be helping you as much as another therapist's would.

    One last your fiance a negative factor in your life? Do you think he makes you more unhappy than he does happy? Maybe you should make a list of the positives and negatives in your relationship and how he affects your overall stability.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Who brought up the bible?

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    With the clubbing I guess I should have grown on that a bit more, but I mean like, join clubs, book clubs or sports clubs or something involving activity and people.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    I get it, and thanks for not going into defensive mode about my comment and flipping out. I appreciate that. No joke.

    Activities involved with socialization and meeting people, I agree.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Haha no worries, I probably would have said something along those lines if I that there too haha.

  • tyanna
    17 years ago

    Lol..No one brought up the subject of "picking up a bible" here..but I was answering questions pertaining to depression on Yahoo Answers one time and someone said "pick up a bible and quit rolling in self pity..depression is in a persons mind and they can control it if they want to"

  • Poetvoices
    17 years ago

    I've been feeling this way too. I pick up my Bible and read every day. I don't know why someone would say something like that, unless, of course, they'd never experienced depression. I'm severely depressed, too, and I don't know why. Nothing particularly bad has happened. I'm just always sad and and angry and bitter no good reason. I know where you're coming from tyanna, for sure. I'll be praying for you, honey. :D

  • Poetvoices
    17 years ago

    Wow, tyanna, I just read your second post to. I think you might have what I have (self-diagnosed). I have Social Anxiety Disorder. When I'm around people I don't know, I don't really like it either. I feel uncomfortable and I wish I was somewhere else. Somehow, recently, I've managed to force myself to press on and try to live normally anyway. It's been hard, and I still feel uncomfortable, but I try to push on anyway. It's the suckiest thing in the world to suffer from ((not really, but it's bad)), b/c people think it's stupid b/c they don't understand!

  • tyanna
    17 years ago

    I may too have Social Anxiety Disorder..I, for some reason, have never thought of that! lol..I know why I have depression and poems are pretty much the story of my life..but I just don't understand why I'm so uncomfortable around those I don't know...Life sucks from time to time..Luckly today has been great!!

    Thanks to all of you for your input!!

  • Jordan
    17 years ago

    My girlfriend has been going through something very similar for a couple of months now....It really upsets me because I love her so much and want to help her (It pains me to see her upset so often) but there's really nothing that I can do other than support her and love her.

    I kind of feel you on this one - not because I'm feeling this way, but because someone who means the world to me does.