Why does it happen? why do we feel it years later?

  • shadowknight
    17 years ago

    When i was 12 i was in a car crash, i was in the backseat, my parents in the front seat.
    Both my parents died, and i survived.
    i saw my parents dead as they were pulled out of the car.
    i spoke at their funeral.
    i was an only child, and i ended up living with my grand parents.....
    Its been 4 years. im 16.
    i try to hide my feelings. i break loose sometimes.
    i lose control.
    it hurts. it always will.

    Tell me your story.
    share your pain.
    lift the weight.

  • Normal is the Watchword
    17 years ago

    It could be survivor's guilt :( Have you talked to people.

  • shadowknight
    17 years ago

    I have talked to councellers,
    i cant move on.
    something inside me wont let me.
    the funny thing is i can remember every detail of the crash.
    so maybe it is survivors guilt. i dont know what to think...