Terra's Titled Contest

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    Contest Now Closed



    1. The Time Of Your Life
    2. Happiness
    3. Discoveries
    4. Life
    5. Share
    6. Remember
    7. Stop and Smell the Roses
    8. Laugh
    9. Special Memories
    10. Observations
    11. My Favorite One
    12. Delightful
    13. Fabulous
    14. Seize Every Opportunity
    15. Smile Done By: Happiness is just a gash away
    16. As Good As IT Gets
    17. What if...
    18. Remember When...
    19. Laugh as much as possible
    20. trust
    21. always & Forever
    22. Laugh
    23. Live Life to the Fullest
    24. Family Comes First
    25. Carefree & Easy
    26. Wonderful
    27. Expectations
    28. The Simple Things
    29. Children as Life's Treasures
    30. Smiles
    31. Special Moments

    When you go into contests they are packed with rules now-a-days. When I joined they weren't so packed. So this contest is only going to have two rules.

    -No stories... (less then 25 lines)


    July 4th (the outage slowed me down a bit. sorry)

    17 years ago

    My Favorite One, please. :]

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    Posted :) hope you all have a grandioly time.

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    Well I had it as one title per person. but after the day i had. ima say as many titles as you want.

  • nikki
    17 years ago

    Remember when please if i am to late, just delete it.

  • nikki
    17 years ago

    Remember when we were happy

    by Nikki

    Remember when we were happy
    When all we ever did was smile
    They said we would never make it
    But we made it worthwhile

    Remember when we were happy
    All those special times we shared
    And our new found love for each other
    That beautiful day we declared

    Remember when we were happy
    When we liked to be together
    You always said we would be
    Unconditionally, always and forever

    Remember when we were happy
    When I once did believe
    How did I actually fall for you?
    Why was I so naive?

    Remember when we were happy
    When we would stand side by side
    Now when we are close
    It is like our love has died

    Remember when we were happy
    I really miss those days
    But when the memories replay in my head
    It portrays the memory of happiness I once felt

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    Okay. because of the outage of poems and quotes i am moving the deadline until the 4th.

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    I will be closing this in two hours any other contestants please get your poems in quickly

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    Okay well i am just waiting for Jenna to come online and i will begin judging when she is. :)

  • Auspicious76
    17 years ago

    Ohhh darn... and I thought I still had time! :-/

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    You have a 1/2 hour dear

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    Jenna was supposed to be onlione a 1/2 hour ago with her poem. so when she is online and gives it to me the contest will be closed. until then. people can still put thier poems in :)

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    I have waited two hours past my time... haha well i am closing this contest although jenna has not got her poem to me. i will have the results up soon

    -i am judging by poem not by poet.

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    This contest I am judging harshly. Cause my dad was reading it and said I was to gentle. Lol.

    Remember When We Were Happy:
    You came off with a good start. It wasn’t strong but it wasn’t week either. I still wanted to read on. I liked how the first line followed all the way through to the end. Good work on that part. But the last two lines were not as well put together. It turned me away from the poem. I needed to read it a few times before I got it into my head.

    Family Comes First:
    I didn’t really feel this poem much. It seems as if you have a lot of wrong words in it. The ending didn’t really make much sense to me either. You seemed everywhere in this poem. But it has potential to be better. Read over it.

    Special Memories:
    I liked the way you put this poem together. It was simple yet held a strong meaning that everyone can understand. It could mean anything for anyone.
    Good work. I liked it

    Children As Life’s Treasures
    This poem almost made me cry. There is so much truth in your words. Good work. But one line threw me off “dying just a little more inside every day” otherwise I loved it.

    Happiness (The Shaper Side Of The Blade)
    Wow. I don’t really know what to say about this poem. It is craziness I mean. Seeing as I went through sorta the same thing a while back. Haha. With a different man. Well anywhos. You poem doesn’t really have any structure to it. Besides the retentiveness of happiness. Abcb efgh ibjb klmml …

    Always & Forever:
    I liked this poem. It was a good read good work dear. Well.. that was short.

    This was another good poem. I really felt it. you did good work on this one. Awesome job. Made me cry a bit

    And this poem was also a good poem. I enjoyed reading it. played with my heart strings a bit. Good work.

    now i am judging this contest diffrent. if you get lots of comments. and you made it to my faves. you got first

    if you got lots of comments you did second place

    if you got a few comments you got third

    if you got one comment you got HM

  • nikki
    17 years ago

    Ok so who won?

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    That is the beauty of this contest. everyone won. haha just in diffrent ways. i will be doing all the comments when i get home tonight sense i didn't judge till almost mindnight last night.

    i would normally have actual prizes for everyone. but right now i have alot to do with work and such. so i am going to do the best prizes i can with out falling behind on everything.