Dramatical Corner-Rhea,Mandy And Heather Is Here-

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    I'm bored..and feeling dramatic...So I invite all the dramatics here
    I'll play my guitar and maybe one of yours shall sing
    This is not only for that 3,anyone can join too...

    *lights candlelights*
    *pours some champagne for the visitors*
    *lights an incense*
    *grabs her guitar*

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Lols Hi there Laura lols Surprised me when I saw my name xD

    *takes a glass of champagne*
    *downs it* lols
    *puts on my dancing shoes*

    I'm all ready for a nice party =)

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    If you cheer me up hunny,why not?
    *plays the scientists on guitar*
    *sings along*
    Nobody said it was easy
    Oh,it is such a shame for us to apart
    Let's take it back to the start

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Lols Sounds like we're both in about the same mood =P

    *shrugs* Why should we let guys get us down?

    *pulls out a bottle of something strong from my bag*
    *gets up and starts dancing with the bottle* lols

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    Oh god..that's what I need right now
    Yea really
    I will have a beverage party with myself tonight
    I will drink whatever I find and cry as hell
    That's how it makes me rewind all the pain the next day
    Hmmm.counting down 8.30 hours left..Time is 1 pm here now
    Rhea,don't you have msn?

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    *hugs you tight* I'm sorry things are going so rough for you right now =( If it makes you feel any better I'm right there with you ^_^ Really tempted to have a drink or two sometime before I go to bed even though I don't normally drink ^_^ Right now I'm just trying to hold all the tears in by staying pissed because I'm tired of crying and he's not worth my tears or pain ^_^ He's not wroth yours either clearly ^_^ 3:03 AM here and still early for me =(

    And no, I don't have msn yet

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    Hmm..let me know when you have one hun
    And let your tears out than in
    It's not a bad thing to cry hunny

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Yeah I guess it's not but I've been crying for the last 3 1/2 months because of him and I'm feed up with it ^_^ *sigh* My father also trained me since I was tiny that it's not allowed to show emotion lest of all tears because it's a weakness =( I'm feed up of that too but it's taking me a while to break that training =P

    and I'll be sure to tell you if I do =)

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    Oh hunny..I understand you
    And I've been on so rough timesrecently like 2 moths
    I've lost my interest of everything in life
    And once I even decided to write my profile things that ı shall not say now
    My room is messy-that it would never be this way- for like 2 months..I used to have interest in clothes and jewelry but now I just wear whatever is near to me..I already don't have any friends in life..I'm like homebound
    Everything started to get me bored

    But hey I can still play guitar and write poetry..That's what I'm left with now
    I just played zombie and screamed it along.It just made me feel alive....I'm a real bad neighbor..I turn on music up to volume 100 at midnight..I play guitar when everyone is trying to rest their heads lol

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Yeah, I totally understand losing interest in everything and life it's self but I finally had to look at what I was doing and decide that it wasn't what I wanted and wouldn't get me anywhere that I wanted to go again so I had to decide to just get back up on my feet, bury the pain so I could deal with it a little at a time and and pretty much just tell the world where it could go lols

    But I'm still with you on having lost most things just because you really don't care anymore =P I've got my poetry, my furry son *dog* and what few friends I have left because this helped me see who my real friends where =P

    Guess we both just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other because giving up is only giving the world the pleasure of knowing that it beat us