Why is everyone upset with me?

  • Nookie
    20 years ago

    welllll this isnt JUST a critiqueing site..my purpose for this is an indestructible notebook if nothing else, put a few poems in, and all i need is the net to access memory lane. but knowing where you stand and recieving a little praise isnt bad..

  • miss scooby
    20 years ago

    Apparently i am not allowd to feel the way i do anymore about things ;)

  • miss scooby
    20 years ago

    You know what....your right,
    From now on i don't even care anymore....
    appreciation, hate....who gives a shit right???

  • miss scooby
    20 years ago

    Honesty is a good thing.............99.9% of the time..lol

  • miss scooby
    20 years ago

    LOL....No worries i wont be an idiot if you don't.......LOL don't take that the wrong also for it was a joke...you know HA-HA-HA anyways you misunderstood my comment but hey it's alright because i figured alot of people would because i never explained it but o well.
    What i ment by hate or appreciation is there is many people who will appreciate your poems as well as hate them....and when i say who gives a shit, in the end no one really cares except the writer reading that particular comment at the time......I hope you understand what i am saying now..:)
    oh by the way don't be an idiot....i'm just kidding!

    take care Jia

  • Shædow Poet
    20 years ago

    ... I'm not upset with you :| (though you've given me no reason to be upset with you anyways).

  • Eibutsina
    20 years ago

    Everyone here is all
    -Freedom of speech
    -Act how we like

    And thats fine you all just need to realise that with that freedom and with those actions come reactions from others and repercussions on yourself - words are valuable lil messengers and we must be more cautious with them as we ont know how its interpreted by the other person...so fine you want to give negative or honest critique go for it - just be careful of your choice of words and how others may then use their own "freedom of speech" to say just what they like straight back at you...

    Just my two cents thanks guys! Much Love!

  • miss scooby
    20 years ago

    Jia....lol no worries at all it's not a big deal. all is well in the world again...lol
    take care always

  • Natalie84
    20 years ago

    I think if you are going to critique someone's work you have to tell them how they may make it better, what you didn't like, not just oh that poem was ok, or not that great. Which are the type of comments I have seen Morgan leave. You have to specify what the writer did wrong, or what you think they can do to make it flow better. I personally don't comment on poems that I don't like in fear that the writer will take something I say the wrong way. Plus people post their poems thinking they are fantastic and I don't want to discourage that, because I believe if you feel in your heart your write is perfect then it absolutely is, it doesn't matter what the next person thinks. I don't critique I write. But Morgan I think if you are going to critique people's work, it's great, just be more detailed in your comments and remember the writer does have feelings.

  • Natalie84
    20 years ago

    Well, then I guess I must have read the only 3 you've written like that because that is the only type of comment I have ever seen you leave.

  • Natalie84
    20 years ago

    What ever.....I didn't say you sugar coated anything. Actually what I was saying was you were a little too blunt. I did say to remember that the writer did have feelings. Tell them what's wrong not that their poem just isn't any good.

  • iwanttobalone
    19 years ago

    first ammendment people. what the fuck is yalls problem? you put poems on this site to get votes and comments. you got what u want so what the hell i sbothering you?