Well 3

  • Richard Machado
    17 years ago

    I didn't know if someone was doing it so to be safe... 3

  • Richard Machado
    17 years ago

    Better safe than sorry for not making it three when someone else makes it 2 and I make it two and people say why is there 2 2's; but then of course people would also say why is there 2 wells with both 2 and 3 at the end of them; are these guys crazy or what, whats the world coming to...*Babels on...*

    Ehem, ya know?

  • Loved In Hell
    17 years ago

    Hi richard this new pic!.....its me i finally figured out how to put one of myself

  • Richard Machado
    17 years ago

    You have sharp canines....

  • Richard Machado
    17 years ago

    Btw what were you talking about again? which picture?