My fiances death

  • Noir
    17 years ago

    I really do hope you find a healing place...And mourn for your fiancee in a healthy manner and really move on with your life.

    Because life is short my dear, and we must be selfish in using every minute for ourselves. When someone we truly love dies, we mourn for them but then we should remember that they have a place in our hearts and their essence truly did not die.

  • Carrotgirl
    17 years ago

    Ive been to see Phycotherapists a few times and what I found personally was it helped me find my own meaning to what was happening.It didn't actually solve anything but it did let me understand what was bothering me and why this had happened to me. And I did feel better for it.

    In some ways I find the internet a little less personal and its easier to open up because no one knows who you are.

  • Lyndsy
    17 years ago

    I agree. It's a little easier on the internet. Cause you don't have to see those people in person.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Oh my god, I am so incredibly sorry that you are expected by people who are supposed to love and support you, to forget about this person you decided to spend the rest of your life with...It's not even that you broke up, he is dead, he killed himself. I only wish I could take some of your pain. Your family needs some serious lecturing, but from I'm not sure who. I think you need to explain to them that this hurt is never going to go away and you need them to be there for you when they can be, you're not expecting anyone to feed you and sleep next to you at night, but some frequent kind words and hugs would be nice.

  • Lyndsy
    17 years ago is probably my fault though. Slightly. I've been so upset about it, that when my family tries to talk to me about it, I shut them out. I guess it's just because im angry at the world.

    I just now got a lecture about how I need to move on with my life. ::sigh:: I know what i SHOULD do.. the right things to do..and what i shouldn't do...but its really hard.

    And I'm so stubborn right now. Cause I'm so devastated, I just don't even want to get up in the morning.

    eh..but enough of my rambling. *sigh*

  • Lyndsy
    17 years ago

    I wish I knew how long it would take. :-( But thank-you