Grew up together but he took advantage..

  • JodiieBaybeh
    17 years ago

    Okay ..well when i was little i hugn round with a few friends on my street.. we was all very close ..i was the only girl ..but back then i was a tomlad so i fitted right in ...anyway there was one lad that i grew up with called alex..and he told me that he liked me loadss of times... well about .3 months ago ..we was on msn and i was drunka dn he told me to come out and talk to himf or abit ..he only lives 3 doors down so i jsut nipped round his house and he hugged me when he said hello like hes always done..but he kissed me and i pushed him away reminding him we both had partner but he didnt listen ..and he was asking me to do things and i said no ..but he took advantage of me and i told him to stop ..but because i was drunk i wasnt physically (sp) as strong as i would normally be ...and after he was like feel sick ? and i didnt ..but i knew it was just a reason for him to get rid of me cause he knew he did wrong ..after on msn ..he blocked me as soon as i signed in he went i logged on my broher account and he was on so i knew ed blocked me but he denied it since ...i see him alot but he puts his head down and dont say nothing to me ..ive told a close mate...the FULL sotry and ive told my partner that he tryed stuf with me ..but he doesnt know that he went the full way ...and i really dont want to bring it all back up again boyfriend said when he sees him hes gunna beat him up ..but because its been about 2 months i just really wanna get over it ..any tip on how to get it out my head?...after all i trusted him so much .we grew up please..

  • BrokenREALiTy
    17 years ago

    You can't erase those things from your head . You just have to accept it, and don't let it affect the way you live life .

    Now, I'm a violent person, so I'd say let your boyfriend beat him up -- I'd do that too if I saw him and I was a friend of yours ; Hell I'd do that either way ! But if you don't want him to, tell him ... 'tho half the time that still won't stop the byofriend o-o

    I wish you luck, dear .

  • JodiieBaybeh
    17 years ago

    Okay thank you ... and even if i wanted to stop my boyfriend...i wouldnt be able to lol hes abit of a mad head at time =)

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    You said no, didn't you? That's rape. You should take this pathetic "friend" to jail, tell your boyfriend the full story, and maybe even your parents. This incident will bother you longer than you want it to, far longer, unless you can resolve the scars that have been left. You have to punish him someway.

  • JodiieBaybeh
    17 years ago

    I have trouble actually talking to people about really personal when i told my friend..i couldnt tell her to her face i tryed... but nothing would come i said it over msn=[.. so i dont know what to do heads just messed up

  • Gasttlee
    17 years ago

    I am facing the same problems with a friend of mine. No homo, he is a guy. I face these type of problems with friends all the time and now I really don't have any. My point, unlike me I think there could be a chance for you. Just trying talking. If that fails, at least you did something to show you cared.

  • JodiieBaybeh
    17 years ago

    Ill try thanks . .i guess a problem shared is a problem halved i guess..x

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Jane its not as simple as just dragging him to jail.
    its incredibally hard to prove to everyone that you said no, unless it was caught on camera or someone voice recorded it you have slim to none chance. its a harsh world and incredibally unfair. scum like that shouldn't be aloud to roam the earth but it has to have evidence to back it up which is why so many get away with it, all they have to say is 'she said yes, she gave consent, the bruises where just coz she fell off the bed, she says she didnt give cobnsent? are you kidding? she's lying' blah blah blah. you know how it goes lol.

    But Jane is right, you have to talk to someone, its been four years and I still suffer, the pain does last years and you have no idea of the effects it can take on someones life. you need to see a councillor or therapist about it, I know it sounds stupid but it works, just to talk to someone about it, especially when you know they wont judge and tyhey are there to help. I hope your ok hun.

  • Becca
    17 years ago

    I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sure it's worse when it's someone you know. But I agree... you can't avoid this. You can't just forget about it. You have to deal with it. (I got the same advice and I'm working on it) you're not alone.