What made u start writing poetry?

  • Becca
    17 years ago

    I honestly don't even know how I realized that I could write poetry. I remember writing when I was younger but of course I don't know what about. But the first poem I clearly remember writing was the one for my late grandmother that I read at her funeral when I was ten. (Unfortunately I've lost it)
    After that I got into it more and wrote my feelings out because I was afraid to speak up like I used to (because I lived with my aunt for a while until my whole family moved from chicago) because I was emotionally abused by my aunt.

  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    I began to write as a way to heal after my grandpa died.

  • HopefulxRomantic
    17 years ago

    As an outlet for things that I chose not to say in public. It was a non-violent way of dealing with all my repressal. And contrary to what you might think my poetry isn't angry (except maybe "Anger") but it was more of a poetical outlet, a way of expressing myself when society has been dumbed down to the bare necessity of words and literature by the media.

  • Tara Kay
    17 years ago

    I never realised i was any good at writing poetry, until i started self-harming about 4 years ago, and then i just wrote because i felt it was easier than talking about how i felt, and then as i got older, and different things happened in my life, i wrote and now i write all the time, some things are from my life, others are fictional.

  • The Only Mistake
    17 years ago

    I started writing after listening to some Joy Division songs very closely. The guy (Ian Curtis) was a very good poet in my opinion, so I learned poetry by his songs. Most songs are have a sad atmosphere around them, so my poems are also pretty sad, but mostly they aren't really what I feel like.

    I don't cut myself nor I'm depressed nor am I emo, but sometimes I encounter some bad situations like everybody else, and during those times I write some poems, and I see where the writing gets me.

  • BrokenREALiTy
    17 years ago

    I started late in sixth grade two years ago when I read a poem somewhere & got inspired . Coincidently, my LA teacher assigned a poetry assignment soon after (:

  • GretaInsideOut
    17 years ago

    I started because we had to write something for and English class. I wrote what i needed to write, I wanted to write more. I felt totally addicted to the way it made me feel. I submitted the work and the teacher approached me after class one day and said how she'd never have expected such a high standard from me. I didn't even find it that challenging!

  • Auspicious76
    17 years ago

    I started writing as a means to heal. Life offered me some very cruel things growing up. Writing was my only escape... the only way I could escape a reality that was hell.

  • Becca
    17 years ago

    It seems like for everyone it's an emotional thing, a matter of the heart.

  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    My first poems were written in 4th grade, under the duration of a school curriculum. ; ) They were ridiculous, but my teacher told me I was going to be a poet, mwaha...

    Outside of school, my first actual poem was written in about 7th grade. I was taking a shower, and randomly got hit with a line, and the rest built off of that. Now that I think of it, 8 years later, that's how it still happens sometimes.... no wonder I enjoy long showers...

  • Krazikoko
    17 years ago

    I started when i was like 3-5 years old. I liked the rhymes!!

  • Richard Machado
    17 years ago

    I started writing as a kid, 11-14, just to let frustration out about pent-up feelings of anger I was having; but, it was mostly songs - raps. Then when I was 15 I wrote my first poems. I wrote them then because I was in a blissful situation in my life and I wrote of love and crap =P Then soon after I got seriously into poetry, and was writing of depression and mental stresses. Now, I have bit of an un-inspired life, so poetry is a bit harder to write.

  • Emma
    17 years ago

    One word

  • Debbie
    17 years ago

    Though I'm quite fond of reading poetry, I never have intended to become a poet myself until I discovered this site. I began writing poems just a few months ago. Having stumbled upon this site several times, which was rather annoying, compelled me to join and give it a try.

    Thus the breakthrough of "a whole new world."

  • TinyDancer46
    17 years ago

    We started reading poetry in my fourth grade class, and I was absolutely amazed by it... I loved that people could write down something with so much meaning in so few words.

    After that, I was instantly hooked.

  • Marc Ortiz
    17 years ago

    I started writing poetry to express my feelings.. I started on febuary 2007 - my 1st love broke up with me :|

  • Jenny
    17 years ago

    I started writing poetry when I was told that I was good with words, and as I begun to get high grades for English I made it a personal hobby of mine and perhaps it'll get me somewhere in life. I was inspired by how strong my heart is when it's been broken so harshly so many times.

  • Rose not your average
    17 years ago

    I started writing poetry in class when we had to assignments but i didnt really like it i started beacuse my friend did and it just it flt good to write about my feelings

  • Lady Nik
    17 years ago

    I started writing June of 2005. My vey fisrt full lenght poem was evenescent, and it wasabout some people in my family who had died ealier that year. And soon after I started writing more. Then people told me I had a talent( which i think is a lie) so i kept writing. And now I write to keep myself from cutting or crying. Shanik

  • Zima Ultifera
    17 years ago

    I like that u write to keep yourself from doing that... more ppl should try that...

  • Mr M
    17 years ago

    I'm not too terribly sure why I started to write. I was married to my first wife for 12 years and then divorced and remarried for 10 months before she died suddenly. That was 15 years ago and the odd thing is that I never wrote a single line to the first woman but couldn't stop writing about the second, even today. While others have come and gone the last 5 years, I have written about them also but I think the most moving pieces I have written are about my second wife still. It seems to me that one person can change so much of you.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    The pain I went through, when my mom left.

  • Rose not your average
    17 years ago

    Idk i just started

  • BlueDreams
    17 years ago

    I've been write almost 15 years. Don't know why...

  • azii
    17 years ago

    Well. I was badly hurt by a person i truely loved. It wholly torn me apart. After I was broken that way, all kinds of poems just came to my mind. I sang them as songs every night. It helped me to calm down and feel better. Then I started to write them down. Once I found a very lovely poem from the web, and started to look for more poems like that when I realized, that I really liked reading them too. Then when I was looking for some good poetry sites, I found this one. And now writing and reading poetry is a big part of my life! I really thank the guys who made this website. I love it!

  • Rachel
    17 years ago

    Wht made me 2 start poetry was because i wanted 2 express myself better and write all my thoughts down so it won't be all stuck inside me.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    17 years ago

    I thought I could do it better than so much of the crap other people pass as poesy, along with the fact that I thought I could write more worthwhile-to-read poems than others too.

  • Sandra D
    17 years ago

    I started writing poetry after Ryan broke up with me... all of my beginning poems are about him... and most still are.

  • Viola
    17 years ago

    A need to realse my emotions..and express the thoughts in my head so i don't drive myself crazy.

    also when my sister and unlce both had their own poetry books published. i was amazed and felt like i should give it a try..
    a friend also helped inspire me when i read her poems i felt so taken away by them..
    lastly my grade 7 teacher..who made us write a whole book of petry as an assignment for LA..i wrote a lot more than was excpected and she was impressed by my abilities. form then on i have continued to write, with a few writer's blocks in between.


  • blackheartslove
    17 years ago

    I used to absolutely hate writing poetry. it was just in the past two years that i really started writing. mainly bcuz i was depressed and going thru a rough time and i found that i could really get my feelings down on paper and i was actually good. now i love writing!

  • Jenni Marie
    17 years ago

    I used to write novels...could never write poetry until a year or so back when I went through a very emotional time...I found it a great way to release emotion.

  • Cassie Cain
    17 years ago

    I started writing peotry because it helped me express my feelings. ive been writing siince the age of 12. i dont think im any better since then but it helps with my sanity so i keep doing it.

  • xXxSurrenderToMyWrathxXx
    17 years ago

    I started writing poetry when I was 6. I right poetry mainly just to express my feelings in a way that I'm comfortable.

  • Cassie Cain
    17 years ago

    I started because i needed something to let my emotions out, i cant ever express my self through words so i do throug paper

  • Kelsie
    17 years ago

    I started writing because it gave me a way to let out how i was feeling. it gave me a way to get my thoughts out. it gave me an outlet. and then i realized i really loved to do it. so i continued. writing is the best.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Nothing made me start. I just took it up, I guess... I was underneath my bed and was inspired by a piece of lint... and I wrote my first poem (which suc*ed) called "Gone with the wind"... it was so horrible, too horrible to even laugh at.

    Oh, how did I write that?

    But that's how it happened.

  • Veamm
    17 years ago

    Just like you I don't really know that I can write poetry..I started when I was in grade 4 in our school poetry competition but unfortunately I did'nt won but then I continue to write more

  • MissAlyssaGraff
    17 years ago

    A school project. And then i just couldnt stop :P

  • shade127
    17 years ago

    I was a teenager when I started writing poetry. I had received a literary magazine from my English teacher that had tons of poems in it. I fell in love at that moment! Been writing every since.

  • Adelle
    17 years ago

    I fell in love with some one that diden't have fealings for me and at this point I started writing poetry even once I had began to get over that person I just codent stop writing I fell in love with poetry.