What Does One Do?

  • melissa nordmeyer
    17 years ago

    My best friend has always been there for me, and I am there for him in return. recently though when I needed him the most he turned away saying that it was to much and that if I didnt get help we couldnt be friends. The way he said it was so hurtful and I couldnt beleive it. This guy has been there throughout this horrible depression i have and knows that i cant afford a therapist. I told him that I just needed to talk and he went crazy and said all these hrutful things. saying that im a problem and that he just doesnt want to deal with it anymore. Well I found out today that he has started smoking weed and drinking with his other friends. could this b why he reacted the way he did or does he have every right to feel this way?

  • donna
    17 years ago

    Sometimes when you are close to a person who's depressive all the time it gets hard to cope with and you need a breather... maybe he just needs a little time out... hope everything works out

  • melissa nordmeyer
    17 years ago

    I totally undersand what u mean abot him needing me but he just has this pride thing where he acts like everyhting is ok and never lets people help. It's very difficult and very hard to watch him do these things and know there's nothing I can do. I've tried to talk to him about the drinking and the drugs, but it's no go. He thinks he should b able to do what he wants. Then there's my problems. I'm definitely giving him space, but I'm afriad our friendship will not last if we don't talk about it all. He's stubborn so that makes it tough. thank you for all the advice. I think maybe I should see how things turn out. Or possibly attempt to talk to him?

  • melissa nordmeyer
    17 years ago

    So i took all this advice and told i just told him we needed to talk for real. no more arguing or yelling, just simple talking. He didn't seem to understand why but I told him that I was worried about him and that we really need this talk. His answer is that he's very busy and has no clue when he will have time. It fustrates me because this is very important to me. I wish that he could see that. but thank you to all that replied. Continued advice would be great. thank you all again