Stupid thing i did today

  • icarus
    17 years ago

    So today i was wakeboarding at my lake house, and unfortunately there were a lot of boats out and the water was very rough. i cut across out boats wake just as a wave was coming and the tip of my board went under the wave (i think). when that happens it just sucks you right down. the boat was moving pretty fast (it has an engine twice the size of my car's) and i hit very hard. i hit so hard in fact that i believe i ended up with a concussion. not a very bad one but a concussion none the less. which is why i can't really be sure what happened, don't remember much more than being like "crap" and being in pain. i feel rather stupid/amused about the situation now though.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Ouch. Sounds like it hurt.
    Hope your ok.

  • BeautifulKisses
    17 years ago

    Ooooooowww. that sucks
    sounds like that was not a good experience.
    Hope you get out of the mini concussion