New Dark Contest

  • Jenni Marie
    17 years ago

    Kay, so I want dark poems. Obviously.

    I shall give you three titles (stated at the bottom).
    Choose a title and write a poem.

    Must rhyme
    Explain the form if used
    No cutting/suicidal etc poems

    No need to reserve, I will take all entries until the closing date.


    Dark memories
    Your black eyes match your dark soul
    Living in the dark

    1st- 12 comments and votes
    2nd- 6 comments and votes
    3rd- 3 comments and votes

    Closing Date: 31st July

    have fun!

  • Wings Of Flames
    17 years ago


  • Mark
    17 years ago

    Author: Mark
    Title: Dark Memories

    The voices in his head
    screaming towards an end
    the end of a dark life
    a good man, he have to pretend


    the rumors about a man
    a man with no soul or heart
    they all leads to one conclusion
    he has played his last card

    sorrow and pain is the only two words he know
    a new beginning he do nor dare
    and one thing is for sure
    if suicide, no one will care

    but were the past so dark? he wonders
    was he really that bad a man
    he can't understand it
    though he smashed his wife with a can

    he had also children
    but did they feel a thing?
    we know the dog was hungry
    our everybody's "King"

    the red color he admire
    he sees it as a god
    a god of giant beauty
    the family was only a start

    one of his best friend
    the one he cared the most
    stabbed him with a dagger
    and now sees him as a ghost

    no tears he left for any
    it wasn't in his mind
    that they might have suffered
    back then his moral was blind


    He really didn't do it
    the act was only an illusion
    of what the future might bring
    and that brings us in to an conclusion

    that every human being
    all guilty in the same
    for deadly inner thoughts
    we can all each other blame