Someone help me, i dont knwo what to do...

  • Oliver Stevenson
    19 years ago

    My GF suffers from depression and she takes her anger out on me

    i cant take it

    what do i do
    i cant leave her

  • Ryu
    19 years ago

    Tell her if she dont stop your gonna have to smack her around a few times!

  • Ishari
    19 years ago

    you have to do whats best for u. u cant be worrieing about her she may not like it but she doesnt have the right to take her anger out on u if u wanna stay with her ask her to get help if she doesnt want it then just leave her or do w/e u hink is best but u cant just stay with her and be unhappy

    P.S. hear if u need to talk more

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Have you told her how hurt she makes you feel by the things she says? If you haven't then you have to tell her. I'm assumig, though, that you have already discussed this with her.

    I think we have to presume that people generally intend the consequences of their actions, especially if this is repetitive behavior. There probably is not much you can do to change her, especially if she suffers from chronic depression.

    We really have to accept that people are what they are and not what we would like them to be. People come with their good qualities and their faults all in the same package. The only option we have is to take or leave the entire package. We can't pick and choose the parts we like and reject the rest, or expect the package to change. You know what to expect fom her. You just have to choose whether her good qualities outweigh the things that are causing you distress. I know what I would do but you are the one who has to make the decision.

    This may not be the answer you wanted to hear but this is the hard reality and I know it is often difficult to come to terms with reality. I just don't believe there is any magic to offer you.
    I wish you the best in this. --Lydia

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    The worst thing with this situation is that if you keep letting her get away with taking her anger out on you - then shes going to think its okay and she'll continue to do it all the time - by the sounds of things this is already happening for you hun which is really sad. Try getting to the bottom of WHAT is actually causing her such madness and what it is that she is so angry about - remember as well its not you your probably just the closest person to her thats why shes kinda comfortable in expressing those feeling around you - but it takes two in a relationship and if shes comfortable in expressing those feelings around you thats great....but she needs to find an appropriate way in doing so - not yelling and screaming and getting angry with you because its not fair on you, or your relationship you have with advice here is that absence makes the heart grow fonder - spend some time apart from her and then she'll start to miss you and the times you share - she'll also start to wonder why perhaps you guys arent spending so much time together - in taking this time you can both a) miss each other which is always a boost b) have time out to really think about what you want as individuals and whether the relationship is meeting those expectations and desires and c) then discuss and tell her the way her anger is making you feel and where you can you guys heading if it continues, what you want from her, what your willing to give and what your expectations are of the relationship itself...
    Cause really hun you gotta take care of you before anyone else and how can you help her if you dont really know what you want from yourself?
    I wish you every luck and happiness with this!
    Your friend Eirisa

  • Toni
    19 years ago

    ...I really don't know what to say here, but I can't believe you posted this about me :'-( and I notice how you've only put one side of the story

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Oliver, this is really not cool at all. You should have discussed this with her beforehand rather than post this without her knowledge. You must have known, in view of the fact that she is also a member of this site, that she would surely feel distressed in being taken by surprise when she saw this discussion. And you were the one talking about causing hurt feelings. You could have at least have given her an opportuniy to share her side here.

    Toni, I am very sorry that this discussion has been instrumental in causing you unnecessary sadness and hurt. The other posters and I who responded simply took Oliver's words at face value. I'm sure none of us had any idea of that this concerned another person on this same site.

    I wish you well. --Lydia