Why does everyone want to write about cutting?

  • Dark Demise
    17 years ago

    Everyone writes about cutting on here, all of them are very NON uniqe, there all alike the others I read, sure maybe they have a deeper meaning to the one who wrote it, (I honestly dont understand cutting cause I never have, I've had close friends who have and many other friends and people I know) I understand it's to get away from pain and away from everything else,parents,brake ups,depression, etc, and all that, but none of these poems about cutting stick out to me at all, Theres been maybe 1 or 2, and there is never any about over comeing your problem or about trying to quit your problem,

    (To anyone that reads this please do not take it personal, I'm not judgeing you, I just want a little more understanding on this? Not per say "why" you cut, Just why none of it is about over comeing your problem or about somthing else besides cutting)

  • Brittney Follett
    17 years ago

    Well I'm not exacty sure what the heck your talking about .. but to answer your first question (why does everyone want to write about cutting) .. Open your eyes.. not everyone writes about cutting. I think I may have one. (Jus because I was bored and decided to try something different) Personally I don't cut myself I think people who cut just want attention... That's just my personal opinion...

  • Shædow Poet
    17 years ago

    Cutting has been going around this site for over two years, and Bob's right, its mainly just in the sadness/depression section (Sorry, don't remember what it's called).
    This is my first visit to this website in over two months :-)
    I hate VCE :-(

  • Beautiful Chaos
    17 years ago

    People write about what they feel and know, some just happen to know cutting. It is not for you to understand if you have no knowledge of it or do not wish to. Writing is a good vent and even if you find the writing mediorce, it probably helped them a lot and there are a few on here who write helpful and meaningful poetry involving cutting and getting through and over it.

  • Pamela
    17 years ago

    At the moment we cut, we feel very sad and emotional. some of us (including me) also get artistic and start writing down our feelings. It's part of the proces, I think. We wanna share them with others to get recognition (sp?) that our problems are real and that it's a serious thing. We need help but can't ask anyone to help us out because we don't want to tell others our deepest and darkest secret. Posting our poems about cutting on here is not only to show people how bad we are doing, but also kinda a thing to support ourselves and each other, because we show each other that we're not alone in this.

    As you said, you've never done it (and don't you ever try please) so you dont know what we're going through and what we feel. neither do you know how much our poems mean to us and to other people who self-harm.

  • Alex D
    17 years ago

    I don't want nor do I write about cutting

  • Sandra D
    17 years ago

    It's not that i want to write about cutting (because i usually dont) but it seems to be all i can write/think about sometimes... its like the only thing i can get out of me

    and HEY! i have poems about stopping cutting!

  • Lady Nik
    17 years ago

    I guess it is easier to write about cutting than over coming it. Just like it is easier to cut, than to stop. I have been a cutter for three years off and on. And in betweent hose years I have writeen alot of poem about cutting or reasons why I cut. And sometime I write about stopping, i just haven't done it yet. Shanik

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Not everyone writes about cutting. And many people who do are generally very creative with it, such as using metaphors and describing the feeling rather than the pain.

    And if you don't want to read cutting poems, then just don't read the Sadness/Depression section. Easy.

  • Zima Ultifera
    17 years ago

    I could not have said this better!

  • blackheartslove
    17 years ago

    Many ppl do cut for attention but those who truly cut to escape the pain are there too. they just dont go around saying oh i cut myself last nite. maybe to other friends who cut because they understand but not just randomly to other friends or strangers.

  • blackheartslove
    17 years ago

    Lots of ppl rite about cutting because lots of ppl do it. maybe they seem all the same but thats because they are the same topic. there are subtle differences in choice of words and style that make it the authors own. personally i used to be a cutter and i have poems about overcoming problems and falling back into the darkness of depression. cutting is a popular topic of writing because it's a popular way of dealing with pain. but popularity doesnt make the poem any less unique. honestly i think with all the poems about broken hearts and he left me or he doesnt love me anymore..... now theres an overused topic.......... but each one is still unique......

  • Jenni Marie
    17 years ago

    I haven't wrote about cutting for a long time...but when I did it was simply to release pent up emotion, that's all.

  • Cassie Cain
    17 years ago

    Some people find that its a good way to express who they feel so they cut. then they write about cutting. some people just make up poems about cutting and never have cut them selves. poetry is poemtry. what ever its about only the poet is the one who truley knows.

  • xXxSurrenderToMyWrathxXx
    17 years ago

    I think because when people are sad that's what they do. Some people don't cut there selves and aren't sad alot. They just right sad poems because other people do.

  • Viola
    17 years ago

    Some people only write when thye're sad..
    and anyways it's freedom of expression.

  • xxdOnTbReAkMyHeArtxx
    17 years ago

    Because its a dark situation, people write peotry to get their feelings out, cutting helps people (some not all) to feel better. its not the right thing to do, but it both lets you get your feelings out, why not write about it.