My best friend just told me she was gay..

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    17 years ago

    Im in shock my best friend just told me she was gay nd i dnt no how to react im half crying half laughing...things are going to be soo weird nd awkward now...i no it shouldnt change things...but it does...
    what should i do?? help

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    17 years ago

    I do still love her nd i will always be there for her nd i no things shouldnt change but i no they will

    i would have said exactly wat u said if it were to someone else buut now ive been through it im realising that its not that easy to just accept

    but im there 4 her nd always will be nd i no she needs me

  • Noir
    17 years ago

    I know what you're thinking!!

    She told me she's gay, and now I always have to look out if she may make a move on me. Or pounce on me..

    Is that right...

    Just accept your friend not as a gay person, but as a person who is your friend.

    Her coming out to you meant a big thing for her, so just try and not ruin it by your homophobic tendencies...

    We all have it in us...

  • Birgit
    17 years ago

    So what if it changes? So what if she's gay.. =] Just accept ^^

  • shatteredsoul
    17 years ago

    What does it matter?

  • Impulse
    17 years ago

    It's only hard to accept if you make it that way =) *I* personally had a gay experience when I was younger, and even though that's long been over, I've seen that guy I had the experience with multipul times and I never get an awkward feeling around him simply because I know that we're past all of that.

    Your friend is still the same person that she was BEFORE you knew she was gay, so is that really a bad thing? If ANYTHING it should make you closer to her knowing that she trusts you enough to tell you something like that, because at your age? Those things are hard to come forward with. I seriously doubt she's going to be hitting on you, lol. Just support and be there for her, don't be afraid to put your arm around her and comfort her.. haha... Just know that she is still the same person =)