Recklace Souls 9

  • out of the shadows and into the light
    17 years ago

    Sorry about the double post my aunts computer is an old mac tried 2 make it go faster

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Oh okay.. Hehe oh well =P I'm not really even a fan of root beer anyways.. so Bryan can keep it

    *Hugs Bryan tightly*

  • out of the shadows and into the light
    17 years ago

    Man its 8:28 pm here

  • out of the shadows and into the light
    17 years ago

    Whered every one go turns on mcr black parade

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Lol, It's 7:35 here now... what state do you live in?

    *Hugs and kisses Bryan back*
    Hehe, okay sweetie.. drink it whenever you'd like. lol This is going to be my last soda of the day XD I'm trying not to drink too many of them after I found out what it does to your teeth, eek!

  • out of the shadows and into the light
    17 years ago

    Us of a in burlington

  • out of the shadows and into the light
    17 years ago

    Got to take shower ill be back in 30 minutes

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    LOL!! You are so silly Bryan.. actually, I do need to take a shower sometime soon.. god, I haven't taken one since last night, I took like a mess, and my cousin and his best friend just randomly walks in here!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yeah.. you know I freaked out so bad lol.

    Wow.. we have a major big time difference Bryan.. in some ways that isn't very good =(
    But oh well! We'll live!!!!!!!!

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hehe, don't worry sweetie ^.^ I know you're just joking.. it's okay *Hugs*
    And yeah.. we try our hardest to talk to each other even though we have such a big time difference =) That's always something. Hehe and it's all worth it in the end...
    Love you too!!
    *Tons of kisses* !!

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awwww.. hehe I didn't think it was corny at all babe ^.^ I thought it was adorable and sweet actually..

    Kayla <3's Bryan 4-Ever & Ever

  • out of the shadows and into the light
    17 years ago

    See ya all later loves u all hugs and kisses

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *Hugs Bryan tightly*

    I'm sorry babe.. I had to log off for awhile, lol I already told you that in the PM I sent you though.. I miss you lots!! I really hope I can see you again today.. it's no fun being away from you ='(

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    ^love you guys!
    so cute XP
    i keep missing out on our parties though.
    but have fun without me! cause reading ya'lls posts make me happy!

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Lol, But Gab it would be so much better if you joined us!! You make everything better XD You silly little ninja girl!!

    *Tickles Gab*

    We love you too!! You better join in on our party next time, okay?

  • jason
    17 years ago

    Wow way to touchy feely in ehre for me ill just go the other way o.o

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *pokes Jason*
    You don't like to be touched? O.o

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Who doesn't liike to be touched???

  • jason
    17 years ago

    I never said that... lmao i give free hugs o.o just im not a fan of lovey dovey stuff online lol and i saw thigns like sweety and love to much on this thread o.o so yeah lol

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Oh... lol I get it now =P I'm such a blonde.. eeks! Oh well, my hair is going back to brown next month, right before school starts... w00t! Can't wait.. lol jking =/ I really can wait.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    we are sorta like that i guess on this thread, but i'm sorry if you didn't like it.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Lol yeah... we're all loveable and we all show affection to each other! We're like family here ^.^
    *Hugs Gab*
    Love ya girlie! <3

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    love ya tooo kayla!
    *hugs her*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *kisses Bryan*
    Hey there sweetie ^.^ Can just be on for a second.. I hope you aren't too bored without me hehe. I'll try to get on again in a little while and we can all party!! W00t w00t! =D
    *Hugs Gab*
    Wow.. I haven't seen Elaine in awhile, what has that silly girl been up to?

  • jason
    17 years ago

    Ehh yup i wont be back in this room lol peace peeps

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *waves at jason*
    i'm sorry if you didn't like us.
    but it's okay, you're welcome whenever.

    is anyone on?????

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Hey everyone:)

    Lol.. I'll be on all night, so I hope adleast one of you are on tonight.
    I have to watch the baby bundle of fur- Beau Bandit- My puppy, all night.
    Gah.. but is he ever cute, staying up is easy and taking him out no burden at all.
    I'll try to get a picture and uploaded onto my profile pic so you guys can see him.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hello everybody!!

    So sorry =( I haven't been able to get on very much.. been so busy! Everybody has been wanting my attention... friends, family, online people *cries* no fair!

    *Hugs Bryan tightly and kisses him*
    I'm so sorry sweetie.. I haven't been able to get on this website at all lately =( I miss you and I really hope you do well on those exams you were talking about! And I hope you had a great time at your brothers concert.. I wish I could have joined you =)

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Hey everyone!

    Im 103! I think im gonna go make a recklace souls 10 cause you know this thread is gonna get locked.

    Awesome that you could join. Lol even if it was from boredom.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    I see.
    Thats awesome!
    lol very exciting.

    Whats your name?

  • The Sky is Falling
    17 years ago

    Rikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkuuuuu this thread is going to close soon lovey :P Thought I would say it :D. I'll join Rikku love