Fighters #1

  • out of the shadows and into the light
    17 years ago

    Hi my name is nate this is for those who like to fight or fight because they have to to join simply tell a bit about yourself

  • Dian PH
    17 years ago

    Haha...ok... what encridible experience... i hate swimming... cos i don't know how to swim... hehe

  • jason
    17 years ago

    Hmm interesting now i ask you do you fight with honor or are you like all the wussy street fighters who do know the first thing about fighting and use no honor what so ever?

    i love to fight i love the feeling but i fight for reasons i enevr fight for no reason unless im just having fun and the other person agreed

  • jason
    17 years ago

    Lol mandy hi always nice to see you around lmao

  • jason
    17 years ago

    Ehh why does it have to have a point??? why cant it be jsut for fun?? i study various martiala rts atm i am in one called shorin ryu... anyways i fight for the fun of it and i dont get paid o.o i could care less to get paid

  • Dian PH
    17 years ago


    fighting to whom i loved...

    fight for my rights...

    fights for a person that connected with my vines... my life... if love someone... i treat them so much special... and i willing to fight for them...