Recklace Souls 10

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Welcome to Recklace Souls 10, everyone.
    Im so proud of us recklace beings *Smiles*
    If you want to join and become a Recklace Soul, just say hey and perhaps your name and a little about yourself. Like our other member's have.

    We are Recklace souls and Proud of it.

    Marlanna- My sista, a very caring and fun loving Soul.[ Who is now back from her uh.. Leave of absence- We all missed you M.]
    Kyle- Our Funny pyro, plus my loner bro forever.[ One of the original recklace souls, who decided to no longer post on here, but is nonetheless still apart of us recklace being's]
    Marsha- A great friend who is always there.
    Lucy- A Recklace Soul, who know's how to listen, and livin up the thread. luv ya lucy:)
    Gabriella- Not so new now, yet still a big part of our thread. Gab let me just say you through helluva parties.
    Silence-Who surprises us when she pops in now and again, P.S you could never be too old for our online home.
    Kaia- A much loved Soul, My leader and My friend, she Is also new.
    Laura- Unfortunatley was left out last time *tears* Im so sorry.Laura is an awesome person to talk too, always there too brighten your day.Her impact on our thread was big, I have no clue how I could forget her..[ Laura is also one of the only people who call me Paula on P&Q]
    Kayla- A wonderfuly fun soul, who felt left out, and made me feel bad. Sorry For forgetting you Hun.
    Bryan - Great guy ^.^ Such a sweetie and is new to the Recklace Souls, but is already fitting in perfectly! Talk to him and he'll brighten up your day and you won't be able to stop smiling <3

    Now! Let the Recklace Fun Begin!

    *Blast some music*

    Energy drinks anyone?
    How about Pixie sticks?
    I Have licorice too:)

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    It doesn't matter. Typing a little about yourself was optional.
    Nice to meet you mike. Im Elaine by the way.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    I believe the pleasure's all mine.

    I read your profile.:)
    I love that your family comes first. It's like a dream of mine, a dream that will never be. But I accepted my broken home. And enjoy other's happiness.

    I might take longer to reply because I am watching my puppy and I can only slip away from him now and then. But I will reply:)

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Oh I see. I just got my puppy. He is 8 weeks today- well yesterday.
    He's is a pure bread beagle.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Aww...Thats so sad. I lost my previous beagle. Mccloud, to blood cancer and a stomach tumer. He was a sick puppy and it killed me when we had to put him down. But I still remember him and it helps me to know he is no longer suffering.

    Beagle's are fun dogs. They are great hunter's and are often full of energy.Minus when they are puppies- they tend to sleep alot, but what puppy doesnt?

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Thats a good name:)
    I've had three beagles. Cow Boy, Mcclous, and Bandit.
    My mom wanted to call bandit, dozer. lol Dozer and Dover are quite similar.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Raykella an interesting name:) how did you choose it?

    I have Bandit, and my cat- that I have had since i was 6- Names cookie. Her sister tippy, recently died.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Smart thinking:P.
    Raykella. Is catchy:) I like the name.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Well mike, it was nice meeting you. But I have to log off. I look forward to talking to you again.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *waves at mike*
    would you like to be recklace with us?
    *hugs elaine*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Hugs gab back*
    Mike is a recklace soul:)

    So what have you been up to hun? I havn't talked to you in like forever.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    i haven't been doing much elaine,
    mostly been taking care of my sister and trying to earn money.
    *twirls elaine*
    i love ya girl.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *waves at lanna*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Lol gab! Your like ignoring mike:P

    Hey Mike whats up?
    Lol. I will be on later k.
    Talk to you then;)

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    i wasn't trying toooo!!!
    *hugs mike in case i ignored him*
    how are you elaine and mike? lol.
    *tackles elaine*
    *group huggles*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Falls to the ground with a scream*
    You little rascal!
    *Starts tickling gab*
    That'll teach you too knock me to the ground:p.

    Nothin much bryan what about you?
    And I don't think it has. But might as well talk on this one since it's been started:P

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hey everyone =D Kayla is here now and the party has started!!
    *Turns up the music and starts dancing*
    Wow.. there has already been a lot of posting on this new thread! Damn.. we went through Recklace Souls 9 so fast, I don't believe it! That's so great though =D At least it isn't taking us an entire month now to just get through one like it was in June.. lol.
    *Hugs Elaine and Gab*
    *Kisses Bryan*
    *Waves to Mike*
    Hi there!! ^.^ Welcome to the Recklace Souls!! I will read your bio in a bit.. sorta busy right now =D

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Hug's kayla back*
    I Remember those day's:( Lets not go back to them ;P

    Gah, Im so tired!
    I've been on night duty with the puppy two nights in a row, and I have to do it again tonight! lol.

    *chugs 2 energy drink's*
    Ok Im ready to PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    don't feel left out!!!
    *hugs her*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Picks Lanna up- and huggles her tight, until she can't breath*
    Thats to make up for the hugs you've missed:) Don't feel left out anymore. We missed ya girl!

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *huggles lanna and elaine together*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    ^hehe, good idea.
    your pic keeps flashing and it's scaring me

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    W00t w00t!! What did I miss? My damn internet has been acting up on me lately.. it's been so slow I couldn't even load up a web page =( It almost made me cry!!

    *Hugs everybody tightly*
    *Kisses Bryan back*

    Hehe, nothing much Mike, how about you? I'm glad to see another new face in here =P Always fun!
    And sorry for bringing back painful memories Elaine.. you know I luvs you!! *hugs* lol Damn those days no one was in here!

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    *Hug's everyone tight*

    Kayla I forgive you;) Im sure you feel the same pain as you look back on those days aswell:) Gah.. I luv u girl!

    Gab? Lanna? Mike? Bryan?
    How are you all?

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Aww, Mike!. *Wrap him in a warm blanket, give's him a spoon full of cough syrup, then hands him a cup of hot chocolate*
    I hope you feel better.

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Alright in the meantime, here something that will help. *Gives him a box of halls*

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Um.. Im pretty good:) Adleast, Im not sick.When I get sick... I get sick really bad. I like skip colds and go straight to neumonia. Or adleast that's what it seems.
    Im thinking about writting a bit since I finally have the time.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Yay!! I luvs you too Elaine!
    *Hugs Elaine tightly*
    Hehe.. I really hope you start to feel better soon Mike, having a cold is not fun at all! When I get them I'm usually coughing my lungs out... Ugh, it sucks!
    Lol, speaking of unhealthy things.. you guys know what's really weird? Today on the news, it said that it was unhealthy for people in my town and a few others to go outside.. isn't that crazy? They said it had something to do with the ozone layer and something orange..

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    That's really strange kayla, i like your pic mike
    *waves at everybody*
    i won't be here at all today, so i just wanted to stop in and say hi.

  • KeyxMashingxParody
    17 years ago


    *hugs her* HEYHEYHEYHEY!!!!!!!


  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    LOL!! I swear it wasn't cartoons.. I was just on the pc and my dad was watching the news and the news cast started talking about how it was unhealthy to go outside yesterday and that we should try not to go out too much.. I think it was mostly a danger to the elderly and kids though, not too sure lol.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hehe yay for =D I'm just the perfect age to go outside.. muahahahahha!!

    Anyways, I love the new pictures of you Mike.. very cute =) Who's the girl in the picture with you right now?

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Rofl! I was shocked when I found out you where mandy and renee sister!
    Like what a small world:P But no a few weeks ago I went through all of mandy's poem's and where quite taken with her talent. Last night I read some of renee's and your's but didn't get time to comment. I plan too do that.
    So what's up everyoen?

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    *Tackles Elaine and hugs her*
    Nothing much... just cleaning up house =( Blah.. mom got mad because I was up on the pc last night so I'm being punished for it lol.
    Oh yeah.. I have sooo many people I need to r/r/c on their poems.. I promised a lot of people I would, I really need to get on that sometime! Just been so busy.. so sorry to those that I haven't looked at your stuff yet... I wuvs you all!! I promise I'll get to it soon hehe.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awww, that's so sweet! =D And I bet she's a beauty.. even though she's turned around I can tell she's probably a very beautiful girl ^.^ Go Mike!!

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awww.. you two have been together that long? That's so great!! I love how some relationships last an amazingly amount of time..
    Ah, going off to Germany? My brother is there for military.. she met a great woman while he was there too and they got married in May.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awww, I see.. that's so awesome! lol I'm german too but I live in the States.. Alright, I'm getting it all now hehehe. That's so cool that she's going to be going to Germany, you could always be with her then!! <3 <3

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Lol.. I wish I could write that easily. Half the time I feel like im forcing my work. I have so much to write about just, don't know how.
    4 year's Im so happy for you mike! thats awesome.
    Ou and loving the pic;) lol hats suit is just hardcore! ahahaha:P

    *Falls to the ground*
    Jeeze kayla don't scare me like that, I might have a heart attack.
    *Pull's kayla's legs out from underneath her, catches her, and start's tickleing her*
    Hah! *Sticks tongue out*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Love you guys!!!
    wow, i just read from the last post i made.
    and i got hugs!!!
    i'm so happy!!!!
    *hugs brian*
    thank you^.^
    *hugs liz*

  • KeyxMashingxParody
    17 years ago

    *hugs gab*
    <3 ^_^ <3
