Explicit Poetry

  • Dan
    17 years ago

    People critisise me when I say I'm 13 and I sometimes write sex poetry. My argument is: If the intentions are pure could not sex be used as a form of art as it is a part of life?

  • Veamm
    17 years ago

    Do want you..do what you know..^^

  • Vix
    17 years ago

    You are a thirteen year old individual. At thirteen, whether you are already sexually active or not, you are developing into a sexual being and exploring and discovering sex and masturbation etc. Poetry is a fantastic exploration of the worries, concerns, excitement and thoughts you may well be experiencing regarding sex and sexual activities. Poetry is a form of catharsis and it sounds as though you are using poetry very well as a form of catharsis. You keep writing and you keep writing what you want. Being thirteen does not mean what you write is any less valid than what a ninety-five year old might write. There is only one of you on the face of this planet and the without you writing about your experiences, views, thoughts, emotions and being a great deal of people will ever get to experience all that about you and hear YOUR voice. Don’t let anyone silence you. For every fifty people telling you not to say or write something there may be one person waiting to hear what you have to say…so still say it. Poetry is a brilliant way to reach the people who WANT to listen.

    A writer doesn’t have to have experienced something first hand to write about it either. Sometimes writing about something we haven’t experienced or cant first hand is a writer’s way of trying to understand and experience whatever it is in the only way they may presently be able to experience whatever it is. Isn’t that a good thing? Being open minded? Being curious? Being willing to put your time, intellect and emotional being into attempting to understand or explore new things?

    Those who are older (than yourself) and don’t use their experience, age and acquired knowledge to help you, but instead patronise you are saying a lot about themselves, not you. Patronising someone younger than yourself or who hasn’t experienced as much isn’t showing the younger person as immature and inexperienced, but is demonstrating the older persons lack of maturity, understanding and learning. It is not a reflection on the person being patronised, though how they handle the situation may well be.

    You keep writing and saying what you want to say.

  • Corinne
    17 years ago

    It's fine that you write sexual poetry - However, this board has rules regarding the age of those who enter the explicit board - I may be wrong (it wouldn't be the first time) - but P&Q could get in trouble for allowing those underage enter that board and read entries.

    Moderators - am I right?