What is talent to you?

  • Tara Kay
    17 years ago

    You know, this question will generate lots of very interesting answers, i am sure.

    When i read comments from people, and they write "you are very talented" or "you have a talent here", i wonder what they actually mean.

    I often say to people on here that they have talent.
    I know what i mean when i say it, i mean they have a way of expressing the deepest emotions so that it makes me feel happy, sad or makes me want to cry for one reason or another.

    But is talent being able to express deep emotions so we feel as if we are writing the poem?
    Or is it being bale to construct a poem with good vocabulary and flow?
    Or maybe it is both combined together?

    But i'd like your thoughts on what talent is to you?

  • xxdOnTbReAkMyHeArtxx
    17 years ago

    When people do what they do best and what they love the most.

  • ABake
    17 years ago

    Being good at something you love.
    Thats talent for me.
    Atleast in a nut shell anyways....lol

  • Alyssa Marie
    17 years ago

    Having talent is having something "unique." If talent wasn't such a precious word to use on a truly skilled writer, everybody would be prancing around saying everyone has talent. (Which should be true since the topic is on emotional writing, but I'm assuming you mean really good writers) It is like when you read something that has a different effect on you and you like it; usually something of the unfamiliar, that is amazing at the same time.

  • claire
    17 years ago

    I think talent is the ability to express whether through dance, music, poetry - even sports are a way to express a desire for something, an ambition, a hope and a strength. talent is when you know what you are doing and the better you feel, the better you do.

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    I agree with dontbreakmyheart
    That's what I think talent is...

  • Veamm
    17 years ago

    Talent..is magic?

  • Alex Marlatt
    17 years ago

    The way my girlfriend seems to work magic with a canvas and three tubes of paint or the complexity of Mozart's music or the way that the Battle of Cannae unfolded perfectly as planned in favor of Hannibal.

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    First off, thank you Sluvy for that enlightning image, lmao

    And secondly. To me talent is something that you're blessed with. Something that is in your heart
    Yet i also see talent being earned or learnt if you wish. Something where you strive to be good at it.
    For example people can be born with a good voice and are blessed with the talent of singing, yet people who have picked up a guitar and learnt from scratch how to play it have earned their talent.

    I'm rambling now. One of my talents =)


  • xXMohawkedMahemXx
    17 years ago

    I think talent is something natural... its not learnt or taught... It comes natural... and many many people on this site have a natural *talent* for writing poetry... apprently my natural talent is Showing Dogs.. like Crufts.. LMAO... but thats a whole other story.. hehe



  • Men
    17 years ago

    Talent is something deep within you, it may be natural or it my be self taught, but it is something that you feel.

    In poetry I think that talent is getting your feelings and emotions across.

    But that is my opinion.