What does this mean to you?

  • Ellie
    17 years ago

    "Poetry lies its way to truth."

    John Ciardi

  • Liz
    17 years ago

    Idk but
    maybe if u write it and really like it or read it alot or want it to be true
    it does become true or u pretend it 2 b
    like if u write i'm falling in love w/ "whoever" and ur not really but u r not sure of ur feelings ~then ur lieing through poetry~ and u'll eventually think u r really falling in love w/ "whoever" ~thats when poetry has lied its way to being true!~

    get what i'm sayin?

  • Veronica
    17 years ago

    I agree fiction really does lie its way to truth
    but poetry? No..
    the way i see it poetry is a creative outlet for the truth
    merely a way of letting your true emotions flow
    basically your heart saying what your mouth cant

  • Veamm
    17 years ago

    Telling the truth? lol