• Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hey YikYak.....Im faaez.....
    I DID read your poems....but i think your name was different then....
    Anyway...that Satisfy you is nice and i voted for it..
    And i really liked that Promise to love you...i voted(5) and commented on i too....i'm tellin you're really lucky to have sumone love you like "sacrilege" is totally the opposite.....

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Hi Yik Yak ...i put up a post about starting a poetry competition and well have a read and see what you involves the winner writing a short piece about themselves so people on the site get to know each other better....what do you think?

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Yeah i think so to but im hoping that everyone else see's it that way lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    well maybe shaun theres is a CHEAT. lol... but it was probably caused by a syntax error in the voting system at one time, and when someone voted for his poem, it screwed up and and registed some random number instead or the possible 1-5. Thought you do realise he is the best poet on the site, theres no way i could get an average that high. lol

    *feels like an insignificant and worthless poet right now. :(

  • AI
    21 years ago

    I know i'm missed, Brittany angry at me :(. I feel so bad i had to come back. just to see whats was going on. Its hasn't even been a week yet since i last posted something. lol

    Yeah that jackie poems is really suprising, i wonder whos been voting for it? it not like anyone except you can relate to it, and it doesn't make too much sence as a stand alone poem. but people still giving it 5. :D

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Ow yeah Jackie, one more thing, Even though I am gone, I can still access the net, just cost alot. lol. But that alright, If you want to know something or talk, just post it somewhere or email me. I have someone keeping me up to date with the forum, and I'm needed somewhere, i'll drop by, and answer your questions ASAP. eg. like your shaun question.

    Well TTYL

    btw. Thanks for answering the question for Quan, everyone's siding with him :'(.

    Still feeling insignificant. :( lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Intresting Jackie, unfortunately i know almost all of that, lol.

    My name is Kai, (n sice when did u start calling me that) lol
    I am 19
    I don't have a child. lol
    I definitely far from getting engage
    obviously not getting married
    I live in an apartment
    I've been wrinting poetry since this year
    I am in need of a hairdresser. lol
    I don't know what a TL in your salon is
    I drive a Rav4 cruiser model. lol
    I never shop online (i basically live in the city)
    I like a little talk
    I love to listen cuz i hate the quiet

    Does that help? LOL

  • Lady Lo
    21 years ago

    Name: Lady Lo (Won't reveal who I am)

    I am 21

    I don't have a child

    I Have been proposed 4 times with 4 different strangers.

    I have been stalked, I have been bruised.

    I live with a parent, but what can I do, when she's old and need to be taken care of.

    Was chickend out by leaving home to attend Brown College for a better future.

    Now I have a novel in process and a career in journalism.

    I may be young, but I just wished to share my culture history with everyone in here.

    I drive a BMW

    I hate to shop

    I love to listen and I love to crituqe works.

  • Lady Lo
    21 years ago

    Yeah, within my culture, I have been arranged to be married. But I was also an American Born Citizen who has here own right to choose who she should married.

    Plus I have overprotective brothers watching for men coming for me. The said thing is, now that I am 21, they can't stop me from becoming who I am now.

  • Lady Lo
    21 years ago

    Can't reveal who I am at the time, there are much at stake. First of all, in my culture, I'll be forever begging for forgiveness and most importantly: There are times when your family are the ones counting on you.

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    HI jackie.....just came to say sorry if you feel like im kinda not talkin to you.....well thats not the case...the reason...welll..thats there in the "interested in convo" post....i just posted there.........
    umm....well whassup??and hows your daughter?? having a daughter must be wonderful wouldn't it??i think i'd also want a daughter....hmmmm...kinda thinkable....

    anyway...howz evry1 around here???

    And hi lady lo...perhaps we havent been introduced??

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    HI jackie.....just came to say sorry if you feel like im kinda not talkin to you.....well thats not the case...the reason...welll..thats there in the "interested in convo" post....i just posted there.........
    umm....well whassup??and hows your daughter?? having a daughter must be wonderful wouldn't it??i think i'd also want a daughter....hmmmm...kinda thinkable....

    anyway...howz evry1 around here???

    And hi lady lo...perhaps we havent been introduced??

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Anybody on at the moment?

  • Lady Lo
    21 years ago

    Lady Lo is in the house on conversation land.

    And thanks for reminding me that this is America (YIK YAK), but also I kind of wish that I was a true blooded Born American.

    Never take your freedom for granted!