Why some people just cant be friends?

  • lish
    17 years ago

    Why do you think it is that some people as hard as they try just cant be friends??

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    Some people just aren't compatible. It happens.

  • judith redmount
    17 years ago

    I guess it is something of the mind. If you believe that you can be friends, you can make mistakes in the beginning, but if you still believe I guess you will succeed.
    I strongly believe in you succeeding if you try hard

  • tears i cry
    17 years ago

    I don't know im like that with alot of people though like this girl tara i just went no we not going to be friends yet the whole of my group is and it does bother me but one thing i do not like is meanness if you don't like someone don't go around declaring it to the world just be civelised

  • mrsmoore
    17 years ago

    People are different. you can want to be someones friend and they could possibly want to be your friend too, but sometimes, it just doesnt work.

    there is no reason for it. its just the way it is. you need to accept it otherwise you can drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out!

    i dont know if that makes sense! but i was trying to get somewhere with that!

  • waiting 4 some1
    17 years ago


    i agree with Jenni, i expreinced the same case i was about to get crazy trying to understand lol.

  • bRiNgMeToLiFe
    17 years ago

    Just depends on the people and the situation i suppose.
    IF you are completely different.some people are best friends because of it and some cant stand each other.
    same works if you are pretty much the same.
    I guess it just really depends

  • Bloomed Rose
    17 years ago

    Differents intrests, or they just have a personality that's hard to understand or get along with.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    17 years ago

    Because not every one has something in commen and some people want something more than the other it is just a really hard thing to explain but PM me and I will tell you because it is to long to put it on here.