Roses are red, meatballs are tasty,

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    No!!! me, savannah and your mum have agreed on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago


  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    And I have no strength right now to even revive something that is quite possibly beyond repair.

    u MUST know how much your hurting me?
    you've made several comments about how little I and our friendship means to you. and you dont think this is breaking me into a thousands pieces? are u trying to hurt me?

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago


  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago


  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Geo, I'm not PURPOSELY trying to hurt you. It's just happening. Our friendship has meant something to me, but I can't do anything about anything right now.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Stop it stop it PLEASE!!!

    dont threaten that kerri, dont even mention that our friendship could be NOTHING. how are you saying this sisi? is it what u really think?
    i dont think ive ever cried so hard.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Has meant something to you?

    well it just so happens that without you - like it has been for the past two weeks - i cant even function properly.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Stop crying then.
    I'm shutting up because this is getting beyond ridiculous and stupid.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago


  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Thats great sisi! thanks for that award winning advice!! that actually made me laugh out loud.

    stop crying then.

    you've never hurt me as badly as you've hurt me right now. i am..there arent any words. i cant even breathe.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    No sisi! its not your fault that i can function proplerly!! not at all! im just saying thats the effect that your absence has on me. im sorry.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Sisi - come online?

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    If you've seen enough of this, do the smart thing and stop coming on this thread, Matt. This has NOTHING to do with you and I dont WANT to talk to you.
    And Geo
    I'm SORRY
    Our friendship is not pointless or worthless. And I'm sorry that I'm hurting you
    but how come it matters nothing to you that I've been devastated by you? To the point where i'm just so pissed that it's past my own comprehension?
    I just have a hard time trusting you anymore. I don't trust your judgement in people, friends, or boyfriends sometimes.
    And I don't like your decisions sometimes.
    And when I DONT say anything, you'd interpret it as "YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ME AT ALL!!"
    and when I do it's "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?"
    I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. But you know what? I'm USED to it by now. So maybe we can work this out, but not now. Please stop crying because it will be okay.
    But you KNOW me, Geo.
    Give me time to cool down.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Because you were talking about me and it's been annoying me that you keep calling me x when by now you should know my name unless you are mentally retarded.
    My NAME is Sierra.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Okay, sierra, listen, i dont know whats happening to me right now, and i know you dont trust me and as much as that kills me - ive had to deal with it.
    by friends u mean megan?
    by boyfriends u mean sam?
    and by choices u mean diet pills and starvation?

    im stupid. i make mistakes a lot. im an idiot.

    but so are you! (sorry)

    im so unstable and insecure at the moment. i hate when we go for weeks/months talking every single day to not speaking at all, it really shakes my confidence sisi cause i always, ALWAYS feel like i can handle the day and whatever it throws at me a lot more when ive spoken to you. why do u think i was so strong and positive when i was visiting you?? you were there - u kept me strong, you've ALWAYS been my stability and i feel like thats all falling apart.

    something happened with my dad sisi, and i cant explain here, but ever since then ive been the most shaky, paranoid, panicky person and ive been frequently passing out and having panic attacks cause of my stupid breathing problems so you could say im not so well at the moment. And megan and I are, as she calls it, "back on track" which has not only brought back a million, zillion memories, but its confused me and i cant help but think that when im friends with her - somehow i end up NOT being friends with you?? I dont know how that happens.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    You know ME sisi. you know me very very well. which is why i think u know that when u say some of the things u have, u know exactly whats going to hurt me and what isnt. but u also know how insecure i get sometimes. not often, but now believe it or not is one of those times, and uve always promised me that thats okay, havent you?

    more than anything im hurt by the fact that u think our friendship is beyond repair. ive never thought that for a second of these nearly 4 years we've been best friends.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    I'm NOT an idiot. Because I never PLAN to do anything stupid. I stop thinking when I do them. I don't intentionally screw myself up or hurt my body anymore. I TRY so hard to keep myself healthy and to take care of myself. i try to keep myself happy and strong, but what can I say? Shit happens. ACCIDENTS happen. And I've learned from MOST of my mistakes...
    And I can't say that I do know what's going on with your dad but if you sent me a message, I'd be happy to help you out and talk to you about it. I've always given you that option. When I'm here, I'll talk to you. When I'm able to, when I'm ready to, I'll talk to you. But I've been messing up everything lately despite how hard I try, which is partially why i've been avoiding you. I have to get myself together again and calm down before I'm capable of talking to you or being happy. And i'm not comfortable with ranting about my life much anymore.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    So u have been avoiding me? fantastic.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Matt - no disrespect - but if you dont want sierra to come track you down and sit on your head then i suggest you leave this thread while we try our best at talking this out.

    i love u

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Have you considered how hurt and mad I get when you say i'm not trying? that I DONT care about our friendship just because I'm at work and school and trying to balance everything all at once and i'm not sleeping much? Have you even considered how bad I feel when I have to defend myself when you say that I don't try or that I don't care? That I don't care about not seeing you anymore? Are you even aware that for the past few days, whenever I'm around somebody, I'm ALWAYS telling them how much I miss you and how much easier things were around here when you were here?

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    I've been avoiding to an extent with good intent.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    No, of course not, because you never tell me these things do you.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Im sorry ive hurt you.
    but you're supposed to be my best friend.
    it seems u keep using things against me - like savannah and your mum for instance.

    i cant even bear to think of loosing you

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    "This is a really stupid argument. but its normal for young teens to squabble."

    if I'm correct Matt, which I'm more than 99.9% sure that I am because I've known you for a couple of years...

    You typically are fighting with many people at once over the stupidest things on earth. So I think if anyone is acting like the "young teen" as you stereotypically label us as, it'd be you. And I'm pretty positive that you haven't the slightest clue WHAT we're talking about, so in that respect, of course it's stupid to you.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    And also matt - i wouldnt be continuing this "argument" or "silly squabble" if i didnt love sierra more than anyone in the world - anyone esle speaks to me like that and they will get a slap. luckily, i know sierra way to well. which is why im staying here, having this "argument".

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Okay matt seriously please leave this thread now, okay? your only making this so much worse for both of us. please, im asking you nicely, please PLEASE stop posting. im sorry.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Because I don't trust them.
    And IM not even friends with them.
    And Savannah has stolen more than half of my friends from me.
    And I don't trust her at all.

    And she's rude and mean and she's manipulative and spiteful. And anyone who CAN be as close to her as you are, I find a little disturbing in the sense that you might let something slip or talk about me and she'd end up telling my mom everything and I'll be even more screwed over.

    I had to get up at 5:15 in the morning for work this morning and what do you know? Savannah throws a huge party with SOOOOOO many people right when I am about to sleep. She invites guys and like 10 girls just because my mom wasn't home. And on top of that, the other night I woke up to a cockroach crawling on my face so every time I sleep now, I'm paranoid there's bugs crawling over me so I have an even harder time sleeping.

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    .....(lol).........maybe its the harry potter dissapearing acrobatic cockroach coming back from the dead....?

    sisi - you absolutely HAVE to give me more credit than that. I dont talk about you with savannah, ever. we talk about stupid things, i would never EVER tell savannah ANYTHING you tell me and ive told you this before.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    "Ahaha how cute. you must not have known, dear sierra. that i have matured over time. so please. be reasonably smart, and stop fighting like a child"

    I love how you laugh to protect your fragile juvenile ego then act like it was all some hysterical joke, when really, I was being completely serious and you know it. And for you, it's impossible to mature. You've been saying that for years, and you still stick your overly opinionated nose into other people's business then whine like a baby when nobody praises you for it. So here's the test. If you're as mature as you claim to be, take the constructive criticism/insults and be the bigger man and leave.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    I dont trust her. Not in the slightest. She's told on me for everything and plays it off as an accident.

    But when she does something like throw huge parties and plans on getting trashed on our birthday and have another huge party at our house and get everybody drunk while I'm spending it with Nana alone, I never say a word. How's that for giving and getting nothing in return?

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    Im sorry =[

    i wish u could come here for ur birthday

  • Georgi
    17 years ago

    But sisi just cause u dont trust her - please PLEASE dont not trust me because of it. You know, deep down, that u can trust me, i KNOW u know that. I'd never do anything to purposely hurt you. you mean the world to me.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Yeah i wish I could too.

    I've been working my ass off but my new manager might not even let me take the week of my birthday off...

    Or thanksgiving
    OR Christmas.

    So all of my plans to visit people.
    They're completely shot to hell.

  • Just Sierra
    17 years ago

    Yeah well when my mom horrible stuff to me and then says "And Geo agrees with me. Completely."

    It pisses me off pretty bad.