17 years ago
The perfect sound of her untamed violin
Sinking into the night's most direful silence,
A music meant to pierce the deepest whim,
Compositions to awake an unleashed vengeance...
The pure child playing couldn't be another...
But an innocent angel,with hair pinned butterflies,
Black curls that seemed to hide a chimeric water
That reflected in her cold blue aggrieved eyes...
A blast of wind has sent the music far and wide
And he, the blood-curdling creature of the shadows
Had felt the thrill within his heart long time denied;
The emotions flowed like a garden of echoes...
His white fangs reflected the pale moon light,
His immortality was his addictive burden...
But the violin choruses he heard were so bright
That attracted him to the house by music poisoned...
A couple of hours to dawn,he entered the mansion...
Charmed by the girl's music,entwined in her eyes,
The vampire listened and smiled with passion..
He had no choice but leave as he felt the sunrise...
The girl just couldn't let him go astray
And played the most grievous and cruel song,
As the vampire's blood tears couldn't fade away...
Memories about his human life,melancholy felt so strong..
Immortality,the loneliness he had locked within his soul
Was ended, as he left himself prey to the morning sun
Stricken by an appallingly divine music written is his eye holes...
Ashes to ashes for the vampire who felt undone...
His remnants are still impregnated in her heart
As the cruel girl plays her hell raising violin
While she pours wine on the ashes of her sweetheart
To reminisce the blood he drank to be his sin...
~I wrote this for another recent contest, hopr u're ok with that. If not, tell me so that i can replace my poem please ^^. Thanks for the understanding.