When Guys go to college....hey college kids or grads...or anyone

  • cowgirlstar26
    17 years ago

    So me and my ex/bf/ i dont even know have been dating since feb and like we are really really close, and im not just saying that cuase im just some stupid love struck girl. not the case. anyhow he went to college in Green Bay WI and he's never been the type to party but he's starting too and he's called me drunk a couple times and just totally messed up and he's a skier, and he's really cute and one of those really nice guys.....should I just pull the plug and let him do his thing or dont I have a right to be mad about him partying and all that? cause we kinda both agreed we werent going to party sleep around ect if we broke up cause we still have intensions of being together after I graduate from highschool (im a senior)
    any ideas or thoughts would be great
    thanks! :)