Title Contest ^^ 5 titles only

  • BittersweetDecay
    17 years ago

    This contest starts now and ends on the 26th of September, or even earlier, as soon as i get the results. The titles are in fact song titles that i considered are inspired and proper for a contest

    Here are the titles(1 title per poet):
    1. Deceiver of fools - HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG [DONE]
    2. Hollow-hearted,heart-departed - My Decadent
    3. Dream thieves - ReproducedByIntelligence [DONE]
    4. White pearl, black oceans - SecludedSerendipity
    5. Tearjerker - ~emmerz~

    I hope this will flow good and it will end up fast, and with good poems. I'd prefer rhyming poems,NEW ones.

    Only 2 places for the winners:
    1st place - 10 comments
    2nd place- 5 comments
    +add as a favourite to both places.

    Good luck everyone.

  • My Decadent
    17 years ago

    "Hollow-hearted, heart-departed"
    Please. Thank you.

    17 years ago

    Deceiver of Fools, please. :]

  • Teria
    17 years ago

    Gotcha. (: Love the titles.

    I'll take "Dream thieves"
    Jenna took the one I really wanted. ):

  • dollwithafrown
    17 years ago

    "White Pearl, Black Oceans", please.

    17 years ago

    Lol, gosh. I`m sorry Teria, :[ . But
    I`m sure whatever you come up
    with will be wonderful, ;] .

    Deceiver of Fools

    I cut myself open just so you can watch me bleed,
    But with a look of disgust in your eyes, you tell me:
    A selfish, over-dramatic girl is the last thing you need;
    So you hold me up on this thread, a heart so free --

    I guess love is what I wanted right from the very start,
    But all that you gave me is a reason to tear myself down;
    So I carve myself out -- starting with my broken heart,
    Crying myself a pretty black river to jump in and drown.

    They told me to let you go, move on to a new pretty boy;
    But my gaze is set on you, with a look of fury in your eyes;
    And I breathe in, I breathe out; waiting for you to destroy --
    Tear down everything I once lived for, cover them in lies.

    It`s so bittersweet now, sitting here staring into your eyes;
    Because I know I`m just one of the many oblivious teens --
    Who went and fell head over heels in love with your disguise,
    Deceiver of fools, you`ve been a heartbreaker since sixteen.

    Luring your victims into your touch, with a sense of passion;
    Captivating the mood with every line you slur out from practice,
    And you dress them in pretty poetry, killing them in fashion;
    But I just died in your arms tonight, and I`d kill for one more kiss.

    -Jenna Elphick
    September 21, 2007


    If this is confusing, the idea behind it is that many teen guys aren`t satisfied with just one girl, so they lure many oblivious teen girls into their traps with sweet words or whatever their tricks are. And, no matter what the one boy does, you just can`t seem to let him go. I, for one, am one of the many whom have fallen for it..sparked a muse for this piece, hope you enjoyed it. :]

  • Teria
    17 years ago


    - - - - -

    Dream Thieves.

    Woefully the dandelions sway opposite the wind,
    creating friction from earth's natural ways.

    Deliberate, wishful thinking causes but a mess
    as each individual figures it's but a phase.

    Since, not a trueful plant could ever condradict
    the thoughts ot nature's intelligent mind.

    With facts upon facts, they realize the truth..
    there is not an answer to even find.

    Dream thieves have came and stolen our way,
    taken us way back, back before our day.

    And, thoughts they lift us way too high
    as the wind let's out the loudest, most awful sigh.

    - T. Westerviller

  • emmerz
    17 years ago

    Tearjerker please

  • BittersweetDecay
    17 years ago

    I would like all of you to post your poems as soon as possible. Thank you