why is it easy to lie

  • Rachele
    19 years ago

    i have been writing depressed poams but ive been happier then ever, mi life is not that bad but i like writing about how bad it could be is there something wrong with me? i find it really hard to write happy poams:( im worrid

  • Erica Brown©
    19 years ago

    Maybe secretly your mind is telling you that there is something wrong in your life and that you are depressed. I have the same issue I can no longer write a happy poem but a poem of depression, death or lost love. Hey, as long as it's a good poem and you're not commiting suicide then everything is alright.

  • Lushed
    19 years ago

    ya, i think i know what you mean. it's like, impossible for me to write about something happy. im just never in the mood to write when I'm happy tho...so i dont know if its the same thing tho.

    hmmm. maybe thats just the strongest emotion youve felt..so its just what surfaces when you write. thats what i feel happends to me.. lol. i doubt i helped at all.

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Maybe you're just venting inner thoughts into your poetry, or relieving stress. I personally think I write depressing poetry not because I'm depressed, but to stop myself from BECOMING depressed.

  • Ashlee Nicole
    19 years ago

    First of all I learned why it's easy to lie..lol when we're children() we discover that a lie tends to get us out of trouble sometimes..We learn this very young..So then we try to use it alot...Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, so then we tend to use it more and more..Then as we get older we still lie because it has became a habit, becoming very hard to get rid of...
    Also this trait is most common in children that ave been physically abused, or any type of abuse, to keep them out of the trouble, they lie; Hence, they don't get hurt....

    I learned this in my early childhood development class...I found it very interesting...
    LOL- Sorry if you didn't want to know that...

    But for the whole sad poetry writing thing I have the same thing..lol...I think because alot of us focus more on negative because we don't like it and want to get rid of it...Why would we want to get rid of the positive, so we don't focus on it as much...Ya know what I mean? lol Bye

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    They are but simple words,
    Yet so hard to tell.
    Why can't I just say it?
    'Cause truth can give you Hell.

    -Written by me last year.....


  • Mustardhart
    19 years ago

    Is there someone you wana impress? Being honest has to 1st be a chain reactio of believe in yourself, not minding anyones feelings and ignoring the possible consequence(s) of being yourself.

    Having said that, I will want to understand why it is so easy for you to write depressing poem and may be quite a task to write happy ones? Havent you stayed in the depressed environment so long to want to open the windows wide for some fresh air?

    19 years ago

    There's nothing wrong with you. I know a lot of people who do this, myself included.

  • She Is Now Gone Away
    19 years ago

    No it just show that you really care about what might happen.

  • Atahan Tolunay
    19 years ago

    Ofcourse its hard to write about happy stuff....after all we live in a world of shit.

  • She Is Now Gone Away
    19 years ago

    yes it is

  • ♥broken fairytales♥
    19 years ago

    I can relate to you. My life is mostly good but there are bad times when I write depressive poems but then when i'm happy again I kinda carry that emoution on and carry on writing depressive poems

  • Steven
    19 years ago

    nothing wrong with you? it's just that? you need to forget what happen and be strong... HAHA well? since am broken hearted and i been writing 120 lost love poems? am sure it's easy to understand

  • Lanie
    19 years ago

    Writing sad and depressing poems doesn't mean there's something wrong...maybe it's just that you are comfortable writing stuff like that and maybe it's because you are currently experiencing loss or whatever it is that makes you sad. i can write poetry ONLY when Im SAD...i joined this site a few days ago because i broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years nd 3 months so sad thoughts came into my mind, and some poems i submitted were from past break ups...i cannot write happy poems too but i'll have to try!!! =)

  • Steven
    19 years ago

    well? nothing wrong with you.... it just means u like to write about depressing poems i guess? well i like to write lost love poems so haha something wrong with me not you

  • SweetDreamer
    19 years ago

    just because you might find it easier to write about a specific topic like love rather than death, doesn't necessarily mean you're life is just peachy and u don't know anything about grief. and vice versa. there's nothing wrong with writing about topics u might not know a lot about, or only sticking to one category. that just means maybe in that sort of poem or writing may be where your talent lies.

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Maybe you're just releasing the sadness in verse and keeping the happiness to yourself?

    Subconcious good mental health management.


  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Cause the truth sucks basically

  • Nikki
    19 years ago

    son't worry i feel the smae way, i have never been able to write a happy poem after i started cutting. maybe thats why i can't but i just thouhgt maybe that would help for you knowing that there is alot or people out there int he world just like you -k- so don't worry