17 years ago
I was wondering whether I should add an expalnatory note to some of my poems to help people 'get' them. I have had a couple of comments on a recent poem that just took the piece at face value when I had intended it to be a metaphorical piece. |
17 years ago
Oh My Goodness! Or rather Oh my Goddess! It's you! Hi there GGP |
Gary Jurechka
17 years ago
Occassionally I may add a note regarding some technical aspect of the poem, or to clarify some obscure reference or foreign word/phrase, but never to explain the poem. Often I've had readers interpret a poem of mine totally different than what it means to me, and sometimes it shows me a viewpoint of the poem I hadn't realized. Of course I usually have a specific meaning or emotion when I write a poem but I like the idea of one of my poems being interpreted in some other way and occassionally have deliberately made a poem somewhat obscure/abstract so that it can be interpreted in different ways. It's like a painting, each person sees in it what he/she wants to and takes away their individual meaning. |
17 years ago
Sometimes I leave a tiny note after a poem, but not neccisarily [sp] to explain the poem, but the way it was written. |
The Herald
17 years ago
Would you try to explain to van gough how to paint? or me how to play last chaos? lol inside joke but seriosly, the point being that you dont need to expain stuff to the masters. this being the case, yes, i do consider us/me masters =) us being evryone on P+Q's. =) |
FTS Miles
16 years ago
I'd agree with the others suggesting that you shouldn't add explanatory notes. Or do so if you want, but don't feel that you need it. |
Something Diabolical
16 years ago
I dont normally post a note either =P |
16 years ago
Its entierly up to u, and dependant on the poem |
16 years ago
If you have to explain or justify your poem then your poem isn't successful. Simple as. If you think the possible readings of your poem, or key themes / devices etc arn't clear then revise your poem...and keep revising it until all that is left is the core elements which expound it's meaning. Every line break, every comma, every rhyme, every word and the order of every sentance, stanza etc should be hand picked and appropriate. |
Bre Monique
16 years ago
Sure. Sometimes people don't see or understand things the same way as you. That's life. Before each of my poems I add a quick synopsis of the poem <without giving everything away> to get people in the mood for whatever I'm writing about. |
gracey grey
16 years ago
One writes what one feels at that moment.With hundreds of people reading poems here, some may see black, some white. It makes it interesting that way.One post poetry wanting comments so why explain.if you feel your poem has been misinterpreted, the best way is msg and explain. |
Painted Persona
16 years ago
Poetry wasn't meant to be 'gotten' by all, well not in my view. I believe that I write for myself to begin with and with some hopes that people will take what they'd like and find inspiration... |
16 years ago
A true artist doesn't care about if people get the message. It's about letting people enjoy your work and see what they need to see. Some people take something from a poem that no one else would even imagine to take, but it helps them on a personal level. Giving an explanation limits their imagination. I say nay to explaining your poetry. Let the imagination of your readers roam freely. |
Grant Gilbert AKA Slash
16 years ago
I think that sometimes an explanation is needed especialy on something metaphorical |
16 years ago
I just read over some of my comments. It's amazing what people take from my poems. Sometimes, they completely don't get it. Then again, I don't care. What I care about most is that they take something out of it. What that something is, it doesn't matter. Sometimes we find ourselves in the most unlikely places. I like to be a part of that and offer people the most unlikely places I can, lol. |
Wolf Haines
16 years ago
I wouldnt explain the poem. But if you feel its misunderstood then perhaps add a background note? why you started the piece etc. Might add some insight into the meaning behind the poem. |