Frusturating... what frusturates you??

  • broken reflection
    17 years ago

    >> It drives me crazy when a person thinks that they "know" someone, when really they have no idea

    >>It drives me even more crazy when a person thinks that their life is worse than everyone else's... my friend the other day blurted out

    " You, Alex and I have bad lives!"

    I replied "Yeah but so does most the world"

    "But the rest of the world doesn't matter,
    our families suck!"

    I replied "Give me a minute and I'll go through
    the list of people I know who's lives
    are ten times worse than ours, actually you may wanna give me more than a minute"

    >> she had no reply...
    It's frustrating coz she is so selfish - she has a really good life, a big house, friends (when she treats em right), family, her only problem is with her mum, who she can get away from in about a year... she blows things totally out of proportion

    Anyways my cathardic session is over :P

    TELL me what frustrates you?????

  • broken reflection
    17 years ago

    True that!!!!!

  • ABake
    17 years ago

    A lot of thing frustrates me.
    I don't think I want to list them But there are a lot.
    hehe =]

  • JayJ
    17 years ago

    small minded people

  • Solus
    17 years ago

    That no matter what is said or done no one will ever understand......

  • Pete
    17 years ago

    Working hard for what seems like a pittance.
    Ignorant people, that insult others religion or race.
    That i can't give up smoking!

  • bequi
    17 years ago

    Everything can frustrate me..
    i easily gt affected with whatever is happening around me...

  • JanaeNae
    17 years ago

    What frustrates me is when people lie.
    when people cheat.
    when people say they care but don't
    >>when people say things they don't mean in general
    and when people say they can't do something....hey can quit smoking. its just not important to you yet. my dad, he's been a big smoker since he was in high school...nearly a pack a day. a couple months ago, he just quit. he never bought another pack. it was important to him. he was diagnosed with a heart problem, and he's not ready to die. you can quit too...and you will, when it becomes important. :] not trying to bash on you or anything...

  • broken reflection
    17 years ago

    Another thing that "frustrates" (lol) me is when people invite themselves over ~ guh! its friggin annoying

  • I see what you want me to be but I am who I am
    17 years ago

    Posers oeople who totally think they're something their not posers

  • Si sI
    17 years ago

    Repeating myself
    oh and people who do things.. just to get stupid attention.. theres people with real problems... we dont need a buncha attention hogs

  • broken reflection
    17 years ago

    ^^TRUE THAT!

  • Teria
    17 years ago

    i give frustrated over:

    people who tell me when i'm wrong.
    honestly, i most likely know i'm wrong. so just drop it.
    people who walk in my room without knocking.
    people who beg me to watch football.
    when you're watching 10tv news waiting for the weather and all they talk about is the bucks. for fifteen minutes.
    people who sit in class and are to the point where they are the MOST disrespectful people i've ever met. and i've met some pretty disrespectful people.

    people who beat me at rummy.
    that's my game. unobeatme.


  • Viola
    17 years ago

    A lot of things do.
    But one I can think of for now is not being able to help a friend who desperately needs help because they just won't allow you.


  • Someone who listens
    17 years ago

    Hmm lets see

    1. My english teacher Mr Lever
    2. Bf stealing sluts
    3. Cheaters
    4. Liers
    5. Bad ppl

  • X Kashies Misery X
    17 years ago

    What frustrates me?...

    = LIFE =

  • xxSuicidalxx
    17 years ago

    What frusterates me....feeling suicidal all the time!!!!!!!!! Like me! Oh, and knowing your going crazy......and life and on and on

  • Ingrid
    17 years ago

    The thing that frustrates me is that I feel like I always seem to lose, no matter how hard I try to make things work.

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    What frustrates me is boundries. I hate being held back and smothered. Let me live dammit! lol

  • Miss Kay
    17 years ago

    What Frustrates me:

    I feel like I'm waiting to live my'm reaching for so much but yet I have to wait. Forced to wait. I long for freedom and the right to make my own decisions...I'm waiting to finish school and to be able to continue the things I have passion for. It upsets me that I've wasted all of this time just waiting. I try and make everyday the best and I always put my best into anything I's just that if I had a choice, I would concentrate on things I truly love. Basically, I'm frustrated that I have to wait until I turn 18 to do all of these things...but it's not until then that I get to free myself from my parents rough rules and expectations to really live.

    140 waiting...hah


  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    What frustrates me?
    -People that have great lives saying they suck
    -People who are skinny saying they're fat
    -People who know they are pretty saying they're ugly
    -People being mad at you and not telling you why!! *cough cough Tabitha*
    -Parents that use their kids to hurt the other parent
    -People that just go out with someone so they "Don't hurt their feelings"

    and a lot more...

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    What frustrates me?
    war, animal cruelty, mean people, poverty, people living on the streets, poor people, backstabbers, spoilt people, people that pack on the makeup coz they feel ugly, parents breaking up, parents beating kids, and other random stuffs..

  • FlawlesslyTarnished
    16 years ago

    You know. I always have things that frustrates me. But once I get asked the question, my mind goes to a blank. lol.
    But seriosuly, I have like a bazillion pet peeves. And all my friends know it. And I have some pretty weird pet peeves too. Like you know those science tables, and how you share with another person. Well, last year, my teacher made us put a piece of wood in between us and our partner whenever we took a test, to make sure we weren't cheating or something. And if I had too much room on my side, it would really bug me, dunno why though. I know, weird right.

  • XxBrokenInsidexX
    16 years ago

    What Really Frustrates me...

    1) Being told that Im not in Love with someone because Im "Too Young"....I mean what do they know....I can love && I do age means nothing!

    2) Being Yelled at for something stupid

    3) When I have soo much to say....but I feel as if people wont understand, when I know so many people could most likely relate....ugg that makes me mad!

    There is soo much more...I get pissed off so easily...Just humming and loud talking for attention pisses me off...I should really control my anger, dont ya think? :p

  • x0XBloodyFantasyX0x
    16 years ago

    I'd get in trouble if I said what frustrated me. You'd all hate me, and I may get kicked off this website.

  • Simon
    16 years ago

    I don't like it when people think they know you but they really don't know you at all

    also i somtimes get annoyed when things arn't in straight lines lol

  • kati
    16 years ago

    My family frustrates me...they think they know what is best..i know they have good intentions but they know nothing about what i need...they are living there lives through me and it sucks...

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    Everything everyone said here right now... lolz
    and if anyone tries to wake or annoy me while I'm sleeping or when I'm reallly tierd..
    I also get frustrated when parents act like they know their kids when clearly they don't and then when their kids do something... they're all soo surprised.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    And people who help others or do you a favour then blab all about it to the whole world
    the paparatsie
    and people who are obsessed with celebs

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    It frustrates me when someone you havent talked to starts talking to you again. and you dated at one point in time, and then he's treating you like before/during your relationship..then all of a sudden (like 2 days later) BOOM. he stops talking again. and he deletes you from his friends again and he wont reply to your texts and thats it. =|
    that just happened to me
    its frustrating

    its also frustrating when you are woken up on your only 2 days of getting to sleep in by kids next door screaming. -.- lol

    but other things are:
    ppl who lie/cheat on eachother
    ppl who are too clingy.

  • Rob Matt
    16 years ago

    Im a cheerleader

    and I have a girlfriend

    I hate how people cant just assume I like it. Not that i'm gay, or that im doing it to touch girls butts (even though I do).

    That upsets me.

    Plus my friends make fun of me even though they know it upsets me. They think its ok just cuz theyre my friends.

    and girls on the team think its alright to flirt with me just cuz were together, even if my gf is RIGHT THERE.

    And she tells them it bugs her and I tell them it bugs me but they dont care.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    Ya I agree.. I don't like people who judge your sexuality by stuff like boy nurses and boy cheerleaders or fashion designers... argh.. now thats frustrating

  • Soulful Ensemble
    16 years ago

    It all proves how ridiculous people are towards things they don't understand.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    16 years ago

    "1) People who are skinny that say they are fat"

    ^Some people can not help that. If they are doing it for attention, then yeah its annoying. But some people actually think they are fat and thats not their fault.

    And people who tlk LyK dIs frustrates me.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    ^ lol seriously
    especially when you are in a hurry

  • Roxy
    16 years ago

    Hypocrites - By saying this I am being a hypocrite myself - you probably hear this everytime someone says I dont like hypocrites.

    My mothers voice in the morning - I know this sound mean but Argg!! It makes me want to scream.

    When people moan/whine - Yes, I do that myself but it just gets me so fustraited.

    Arguments - the make my blood boil.

    People who compare their lives to others - Many people do this.

    Fake friends - people who say nasty comments about you then tell you that they love you etc..

    I could go on forever -.- I have issues!! Lol, Nah Not really I just dispise many things =S
    xxx Love Emmii

  • Jaime
    16 years ago

    I find it frustrating that so many things need to be changed in this world, and I'll never have the time or resources to do it all myself.

  • Viola
    16 years ago

    Having to study all day for my exam and knowing that I probably still don't know nearly as much as I should. Or finding out that you didn't know anything about a topic until now, and it's on the exam.


  • Heba
    16 years ago

    Lots of things frustrate me and i can summerize all of these things in one word and it is:life

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    16 years ago


    lol, ok. um..frusterating...WHEN I WAKE UP AT NIGHT AND I CANT GET BACK TO SLEEP! ugh =[