Naruto Fan Cub #9

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    Hello all you Naruto fans!! That's right! We're back in buisness! Ha! Well....

    Neji, Shikamaru......mathew

    Last post was made by Sakura:

    *Walks through the hallways with a sad look*
    *Empty hallway*
    "Maybe I should go see Naruto.... He seemed so energetic."
    *Turns around and heads back to Naruto's room*
    To self: I haven't seen Sasuke. He left his room....
    *Reaches to touch the bandages on face*
    "Ouch... We took quite a beating..."

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    Hurray #9 lol

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Looks at Sasuke deeply*
    *Looks confused*
    *Turns to Sasuke*
    "What is it?"
    *body shaking*

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *sees Sasuke and Sakura talking*
    "Hmm... Now, what could they be talking about?"
    *smiles and walks out the hallway onto the roof of the hospital*
    *wind blows hair* (Not to make him look buff, just cause)

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    "I want... to.... Master Kakashi?! What are you doing?!"
    *Sees him jump onto roof*

    inner Sakura: "What was that about? Is that really Sasuke?! Don't lose me...."

    wow, that's a side of Sasuke unknown huh? And Kakashi... nice way to pop in. Ha!

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *turns around suddenly at Sasuke and Sakura's voice*
    "Well, hello. What brings the two of you up here?

    Ok... you guys were in the hallway and I was on the roof, so I suddenly made you guys on the roof. That ok?

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    *gaara is seen treading the grounds when he spots sakura and sasuke deep in conversation*

    *thinks to self...'sasuke seems to be unconventionally emotional*
    *spots bandages on sakura'a face*
    "i see u need a hand handeling itachi....want me in?"
    hellllooo people =D just trying to catch up...i think i got it..=P

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    "Planning to train together? Hmm... Sasuke, are you brain-washed?"
    *stares at Sasuke*
    *looks at Gaara*
    "Hmm... where have you been?"
    *thinks to self*
    "This fight with Itachi isn't something to be handled lightly. You want to fight him, then you're putting your life on the line. You understand that, right?"

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Looks from Sasuke to Gaara and then to Kakashi*
    *Clenches fists*
    "Okay! I'm ready! Itachi or any other enemy won't stand a chance right?"
    "Isn't it in our job descriptions to put our lives on the line as ninja's?"

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    Thinks to self: "At least they're working together now."
    *looks at Gaara*
    "Shall we go?"
    *follows Sasuke*

    "Do you need me to teach you, Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara?"

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    "hmm....seems to me sasuke, u dont value my services.."
    *looks upward at kakashi*
    "itachi can kill us all..."
    "individually...but together, sasuke, naruto,sakura, and me will make it a fair battle"
    "you may be wondering why i have decided to join forces, since my original plan was to kill both sasuke and naruto..."

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    argh...i hate late posts!!
    well..gaara is observing the training..=P

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    Haha, we're all there now, ok? This is pretty confudling. Will Kakashi teach you guys?

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    "kakashi...i need a proper defence against shidori..."
    *clinches fists*
    "then...ill be invincible!"
    hehehehe...sure....enlighten us...=P

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    Erm... who knows the answer? I'm gonna steal it make Kakashi look smart x.x Is it something about Rasengan?

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *looks at Gaara*
    "So you do want my help? Okay then."
    "Chidori can be deflected by an extreme earth style block or another chidori."


  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    No, but he said that he changed sides... -.-

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    "chidori itself might be beyond my abilities....
    the extreme earth style block does fit my fighting style..."
    *stands up looking serious and ready*
    "lets start!"
    changed sides....for now =P

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Looks at everyone*

    don't know what I'm doing sorry guys!

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    "You want to practice chidori and blocking? Well then, prepare yourself!"
    *Jumps up into the air and uses Chidori against Gaara*

    2 fights going on? Hmm... Sasuke and Sakura are doing there thing and Gaara and me... right? Or all together?

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    "Oushi saru usagi nezumi ousubuta tori oushi uma tori nezumi tora inu tora hebi
    oushi ohitsuji hebi ousubuta ohitsuji nezumi nonte saru tori dragon tori oushi uma ohitsuji
    tora hebi nezumi saru usagi ousubuta ryu ohitsuji nezumi oushi saru tori nonte nezumi ohitsuji tori, WATER STYLE, WATER DRAGON JUTSU!!!!!"
    *Closes eyes waiting for something to happen*

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    *jumps out of the way barely escaping the chidori*
    "kakashi! are you trying to kill me?! i need to learn the extreme earth block first!"
    hehehe...gaara doesnt want to practice chidori itself...cause its "beyond his abilities"
    just the extreme earth block..=D
    why cant he just kill everyone with his desert imperial Funeral...*sigh*

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *turns to face Gaara again*
    "The force I used wouldn't have killed you. I needed to see your strengths first, and clearly you need to learn the defensive side..."
    "hmm... Do you know how to?"

    Cause I don't wanna die ^_^ Lmfao

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Focuses harder*
    to self: I WILL become stronger! I can't let myself look bad in front of Sasuke!

    "ryu ohitsuji oushi ryu!"

    to self: Please!!!

    *Small water dragon appears*
    *Opens eyes*
    "I did it!!"
    *Dragon disappears*

    what a cool practice-fighting scene!! ^_^

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    " want to see my full capabilities...? well...if thats wat you want...*
    *gaara stars shaking hysterically....*
    *falls on the ground squeezing his head*
    " prepared....for the....worst......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"
    *Starts transforming into his Shukaku form....*

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *looks at Gaara*
    "We don't want to KILL me. Okay?"
    *stands back watching Gaara transform*

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    "ah...not really..i just want to impress sasuke...cause i kinda like him...=P"
    --------------- kidding.....i gtg...its 4:15 am here..=/
    i guess ill catch up later then....bubye!

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    "Hmm... Gaara, I have something to ask of you. Practice the defensive technique and we'll practice when you're prepared... OK?"
    *looks to see Sasuke and Sakura disappear into the trees*
    *thinks of "Make-out Paradise"*
    To self: Didn't something like that happen in vol.2?

    Aww... Bye! Oh, what did you think of my pics? (<-- For Gaara)

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    Really? THANKS!! ^_^ That means a lot ^_^

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Stares at Sasuke*
    "Why are you training me?"
    *Follows Sasuke to new training area*

    okay bye Gaara! Yeah I agree with Sasuke, Hari! You play him very well!

  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    ooooo i forgot to reply!!!
    they're awesome!! =D
    naruto looked a bit too skinny =P
    but all in all..amazing =D
    send more paaleeeez =]
    adios for now...

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *watches Gaara head back to the village*
    *looks down at the ground*
    ". . . "
    *jumps up onto a tree and climbs to the top*
    "Now... were did those two get off to?"

    Yeah x.x Naruto should have a wider face x.x They aren't great, I like yours more though ^_^

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Eyes widen as she stares into Sasuke's eyes*
    "Okay, I won't. I'll stay out of your way,"

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    *naruto checks out of the hospital with jiraiya to go train*

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    *ssomewhere in the woods*

    jiraiya "how many times must i tell you, if you want to be better you have to put more energy into it, i want you to do ten rasengans, then i want you to summon the toad king, and then i want you to spar with your shadow clones for an hour."

    naruto "yah well it'd help if you stopped peeping and help me train pervie sage!"

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Stares at Sasuke*
    "Strengths...Sasuke can I ask you a question? Why are you training me if you want me out of the way? I-"
    *Spots Tenten*
    "Huh? Sasuke.... Tenten just... she just went into that store..."

    good morning!!

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    good morning all!

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    *walks in store and sees tenten*

    How RU??????

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    *Jumps down from the tree*
    To self: I shoulf head back to the village...
    *Starts walking back*
    "Hmmm... I should buy some milk..."
    *Walks into the store and spots Tenten and Tsunade*

    Good Morning!!

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    "Hello Kakashi!"
    How ru this morning?