
  • Pesamenteiro
    17 years ago

    Okay...Here goes

    I have two really good friends who know most of my secrets and stuff. Then I met this other girl who can realte to me alot ore than my other friends and even though I just met her I felt I could trust her and I went and told her all my secrets. I dont think she'll tell anyone but I feel like Im trusting her to easily but I wasn't thinking and Im afraid that I might have been wrong to tell

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Trust takes a long time to gain but an instant to lose.

  • Pesamenteiro
    17 years ago

    Thanx but that doesn't make me feel any better.

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    It doesn't have to, i gave you my counsel and that is....nothing, there is nothing you can do the damage has been done, the only thing you can do is weather the storm and learn from past mistakes so that you can make future victories

  • BreakMyWingsAndRun
    17 years ago

    Well if you can feel in your heart that you can trust her then i guess that you will just have to wait and see. time tells eveything. from what it sounds like you could probably trust her pretty well!~!~!

  • X l i l T a n i X
    17 years ago

    Well i think you should trust her until she proves you wrong