Naruto fan club #11 but really it's #12

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Neji, Shikamaru......mathew

    ahem! attention class today on naruto fan club we are going along the lines of our very dramatic story arc.

    after a fierce battle with kisame and itachi sasuke got hurt and sakura almost got annihilated. after a very intense battle between naruto and kisame naruto transformed into the demon fox and nearly killed kisame, luckily for him itachi showed up and saved him.

    after demon fox naruto couldn't find the enemy he went out of control until he was stopped by sasuke in the nick of time

    after the battle sakura paid all her attention to sasuke while the near mortally wounded naruto walked off in sadness with the eyes of the village on him, no one in the world would assist him with his wounds or even console him.

    and to make matters worse sasuke seems to be getting more defiant as usual. and to makew matters worse naruto has gone missing in his deeply wounded (both physical and emotional) state.

    the question is: will kisame and itachi return after the whooping the received? will sakura and the village see naruto in a different light? will naruto do something rash in his depression state?

    we may just find out today on-

    NARUTO #12 a hero's fall

    after a brief visit to the hospital all our hero's head to the hokage's officefor a very important mission

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    ----------------------------------------------------------Hey i even added the little subtitle next to naruto club, i can't do everything. naruto can limp. nah i think right here is as good as anywhere

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    man! what should naruto do? i think an avatar change might be in order

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    i don't know, i'm still grief stricken from being hated by the villagers i think i should wander off and everyone look for me

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    nah it's cool i'm trailing blood so someone's bound to follow...kage's council? what's that about?

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    hey that would be "mysterious" now if only we could get more people on at the same time but then again i could always play another person

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    there, it's updated

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    yup, everyone's fi as a fiddle, this takes place a few days later

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    Yay! Okay so the hospital right? Awsome!

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    -.- So lost

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    okay you need tsunade, then i'm here

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Stares at everyone and looks down*
    "Are we really ready to be heading out?"

    Yay for the Granny! KYO!! *Jumps on Kyo*

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    i don't know who to be

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    okay then..... here.... wait.... why not try being.... Iruka!

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    iruka doesn't go anywhere

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago


  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Rock lee "as usual i'm glad to see you all here for this next mission."

    shoot me now

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Looks up*
    "Rock lee!"
    "your coming too?"

    Yay for Rock lee!! He's so awsome!! But some people say that his eyes are weird, but I think he's so cool!

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago


  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    "hello sasuke"

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Rock lee "it's almost time for the meeting, the fifth hokage is delivering the meeting, or was it iruka, i don't know but it will be big.

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    "Tsunade! Sasuke!"
    "Are you healed?"
    *Looks away for a sec*
    To self: I'm so sorry naruto. Where have you gone!?"
    "Tsunade! We must look for Naruto! He's disappeared!"

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Rock lee "so what's the mission, it will be completed no matter what the cause?"

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Looks from one person to the next but remains silent*
    *Clenches fist*
    "We must go find him! Our team is broken!"

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    "okay we shall"
    kyo's comp wont let him on again

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    Huh?? That's terrible! I hate that computer of his!

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Iruka "ahem, if we have had enough of this idle chatter i will be delivering the mission specs, with the permission of the fifth hokage of course"

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    i know... lol nice pic Atticus i seen that episode

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Looks to Tsunade intently*

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    i'm getting into rock lee mode, right now i'm watching his episodes, wrapping up my arms in take, and i'm trying to make silly poses claiming my love for sakura

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    *Laughs* Yup! That's Rock lee! ^_^ His poses make me laugh.

  • IchixXxCrushing
    17 years ago

    *sees sakura staring*
    lol yepperz! =^.^=

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    "alright listen up, that means you too sakura.....your mission sakura, sasuke, and lee, is to find a missing persons. a few days ago as you know after the fierce fight between you all and akatsuki, alot of things went wrong. "
    "after the battle one of our ninjas went missing, undoubtedly in shame, that ninja is also wanted by akatsuki, he's naruto. it is paramount for his sake and for the village's sake that he is returned."

    "use any means necessary to get him back, dismissed."

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Iruka "this is considered rank s because of it's importance"

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    "Okay! We'll find Naruto!"

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Iruka "you three have half an hour to get ready, sasuke will be team leader considering his knowledge of naruto"

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    Iruka "would i have made you team leader otherwise? you will go with jiraiya"

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    *lee goes home to prepare*

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    "Okay master Iruka"
    *Walks out and looks into the sky*
    "I have to get ready... but what will I need?"
    *Starts walking while thinking*
    "I'm going to try my best. I don't want anyone getting hurt,"

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    *lee and jiraiya wait by the gate*