Great idea, forum answer check

  • The Herald
    17 years ago

    So like, lets say ur on a forum in a "heated dicussion" and u have to go to bed. u were right in the middle of this "discussion" and when u come back tomorow, its like 5 pages down, and hidden in dribble about junk. why not have an update like "you have new comments" like, u could check a box in the post answer 2nd window that says "notify me when someone answers" and then when u come back next day, you just click button,(in same area as the "account update" page, and continue your discussion. i think its good idea, and would be glad to help with coding...if i was made mod....which i doubt will happen... anyway, this isnt a pitty party, but yeah i think i have a greaat idea!

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    Not a bad idea, but I doubt it will happen.

    Being a mod would not enable you to change code on this website. If you know coding then you can work on it and offer to send it to Janis.

    I'm offering no promises though, one of our current mods has offered to do code many times for updates that were needed. Janis may have used some of his work, but I'm not sure.