
  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    now that's pretty amazing.
    *hugs auzy too*

  • SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG
    17 years ago

    Auzy I thought you were older, but someone said you were 15 and your profile says you're 4 so I wasn't sure what to believe. But since you're 18 that makes you the oldest one in our group then sky then me.

    And Gaby and Rikku I'm not that good at diving specifically, I've just been doing it for 4 years, so I know a lot of terms and can do dives, but I'm no where near as good as some of the other divers in the state.

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Yo how r yalls

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awww, I bet you are great at diving Kris =) Don't say that!! One day you're going to kick some ass at diving like the people in your state that you were talking about. I have no experience with diving whatsoever! I've probably jumped off a diving board once before in my entire life.

    I'm kind of bad Shelby =/ How about you?

  • The Sky is Falling
    17 years ago

    Erm I'm here Forever! Lol but you aren't figures and my b day is Nov 13th

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    I am, but iI'm in 4th period.


  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    November 13th? That's so awesome!! =D My best friends b-day is the 15th.. my b-day is in June >.> lols. I just finished up a test in Web Design and I'm soooo friggin bored!!

    I want my Tyler!! ='( *Sob*

    (Haha, 100th poster so yay!!)

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    My b-day is september 21st

    i rock.