#3 The Randomly Random Randomness (=D

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Yo this is my kewl thingy
    i dont know whatcha call it deal
    well i hope u like it and enjoy

    Just pm me to join or post your name and a little desciption of your self

    The Random Family (HOMIES):
    The Weirdo: Shelbz- who is creator of this fine club hehe and is in fact a weirdo
    The Cool person - Kayla - is one of the nicest peoplez i met on her and glad i had.
    The Deadly Ninja - gabriella, she is a gymnast and a hmmmmmm...... she is totally awesome
    The Sweetheart - Elanie - A person who is so adventurous and a joy to have as a friend
    The Jock - Cindy - An asian chicka likes swim and play basketball!!!
    The Cutie - Mik - She has a kewl personality that u'll love
    The Heart - Chelsey - She loves her dog, cross country, Dance, and gymnastics
    The Unique - Pete - He likes a good challenge like reading the newspaper upside down, he loves the word Yodel
    The Artsie - Janae - She loves to draw and listen to music and mayo on her pizza
    The Prince Charming - Matthew - Well he is quiet, charming, loyal, and layed back, and very awesome
    The Confused - Hari - Lives in Italy, and SHE LOVES books She don't know much about herself but you'll get to know her!!!
    The Boo - Coco - She Is Random and scares her friends and even parents ooo BOO!!!
    The Loser - Skyler - He rlly isnt a loser he has gurls taking his stuff at school He wants to be a profighter
    The Forgotten One - Vanilla - She is amazingly very kewl and always has wicked sick pics

    Dont let the bed bugs bite

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago


  • JanaeNae
    17 years ago


  • firexdancer
    17 years ago


  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    R yummy
    i have been on quizilla reading naruto stories

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *hugs vanilla and shelby*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago


    *flies around happily*

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Hey vanilla do u want to join

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    she should join.
    that would be so cool!!!

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Can ya give me something to go by
    name info on urself

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago


  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    You should write that she is amazingly cool and always has cute pics.

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Thanks gab i was kinda stumped

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    ur welcome.

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    I think u are ur awesome

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Of course you are.
    if you weren't cool then i wouldn't be deadly and shelby wouldn't be shelby.

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    And if u werent cool
    i wouldnt be a weirdo
    and gab wouldnt be her own fantastic self

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    exept your cool shelby and so that wouldn't work.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago


  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    I dont get it
    did i sound conceited?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *is confused*
    i was just saying that you're not a weirdo you r AWESOME
    and so i was merely correcting you.

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Oh oops sry when i am
    tired i am a durrr

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    sry you guys but i have to go
    love you!!!!!
    buh bi

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    I am back

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    Hey guys..

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    How is the two of you?

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    Of course I do.
    But if you dont want to tell me then thats up to you..

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    Well I just care about people.
    and I like to know how other people are doing so that if their sad or something I can help them..

    Why won't you tell me how your doing? You dont have to. I wont be mad.. we can talk about other stuff. anything.

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    I care about people. and your no exception..
    Just begin at the begining, If you want to tell me.. then I want to listen.
    even if it takes all day/

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    That would make me so mad too.

    Well if she broke your trust and told you that she would never do that.. then she isn't much of a friend.
    Yes, i know that she is a good friend and that you probably want to be friends with her. but you have to think, if you stay friends with her then maybe she's just going to hurt you again.. And maybe it will be worse next time.
    If i was in your position I would talk to her, tell her how I feel and how much what she did hurt me. and if she said she was sorry then I would give her one more chance. But if she doesn't say sorry and makes no effort to make it up to you, then I would lose her as a friend.
    because it may seem like a big lose to not be her friend but in my opinion your losing a friend and gaining a sense of yourself back.
    You will never know when she's not being a true friend if you choose to like her still. she may be doing things behind your back all the time.. and I would rather lose her then lose myself.
    Does that make sense?

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    Well make it 31 one then.
    I know that is a hard pill to swallow..
    But don't try and stick with the same person just because you feel that you've had to many relationships already.. keep going until you find the one.
    I used to say- "I'd have a million bad boyfriends just as long as in the end.. I had that one, that perfect one.."
    If you have to search for a while to find the right person.. then do so.
    Just dont let yourself stop you from yourself..
    Another thing I say: "Your worst enemy isn't someone else.. its the other voice in your head trying to tell you what to do"

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    Yeah i get it.
    trust me I do.
    but if you kill the hope inside of you, then this other person that your friend got with? well you shouldn't be thinking about her.. because you need to be able to take care of yourself before you can take care of someone else. or they won't be happy. and you'll just get hurt.
    Find yourself.
    Find the girl.
    and find happiness..

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago

    Well if you really like her.. then you can wait forever..

  • Chelsey
    17 years ago


    I think you guys should check out one of my poems.
    doesn't matter which one.. But my poems are in dire need of a comment..
    Dont worry i didn't join this club just for comments, but its an added bonus.. and i always return the favor..

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awww, alright Chelsey!! When I have the time to, I promise I'll r/r/c on some of your poems! =D I would love to check them out sometime and tell you how wonderful they are. I'm able to get off the pc though =( My mom should be home soon and I gotta unload groceries.. then Tyler is going to call me so I gotta talk to him for awhile and do my homework. Blah lol.

    Hey Vanilla!! *Hugs* ^.^

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago


  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    May I join too???

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Yes just give me some info pweez

  • Yuna
    17 years ago

    Um... like what?? You can pull anything from my profile if you want.

  • luv Shelbz luv
    17 years ago

    Just descibe yourself in like 2 lines