Rhyme scheme------ PLEASE HELP ME

  • nikki
    17 years ago

    Ok so my little bro was asking me about poems today and he way asking me about rhyme schemes. and i couldn't find the words to explain it to him. can anyone give me a hand in putting it into words so he will under stand. he wants to start writing and i really want to help him.. can someone help me out.

    he wants to know about what the rhyming scheme is, how your create one like in a poem, and what things like this mean.

    rhyming scheme. aAbBcC and stuff like that.

    someone please help me

    17 years ago

    She wants to know how to explain it to him what a rhyme scheme is.

    A rhyme scheme is the rhyming of the end words in every line of poetry. There are many different types of rhyme scheme...some most common are ABAB ABBA or ABCA. If you write a specific style of poetry, normally the rhyme scheme`s are given to you. For example the style CinqTroisDecaLa Rhyme has a rhyme scheme given of AABBCCCABC. If you write free verse, there is no rhyme scheme. Or normal poetry, you make your own. You can use a lot of different sources for rhyming words, one common and useful one is the site www.rhymezone.com .

    A bit of a long explanation, but hopefully it helped. Basically, the first two sentences are all you need to explain it, the others are just support to help if you need. Good luck and I hope your brother does well. :]

  • nikki
    17 years ago

    Thank you so much ^^

    i told him exactly what you said and now he get's it. thanks for all your help.

    17 years ago

    No problem at all. Glad I could help :]]]