Hopes and dreams

  • Windsong
    17 years ago

    So many people in this world . People I personly know have had so many hopes and dreams in love . And they think that they will be happy , and when they come to me for help with this I have so much to say . Why is it when I help people I tell them to go for it . But when it come to myself , I don't even do what I tell other people to do .

    I Attend to make people happy when they ask me for help , and they end up getting with the person they want to be with . And they always ask me why do I help them to be with someone they love so much , but I can never help myself.

    Well , to the people that has asked me that question I only have one answer. I have no clue why. Evenn though i know why .
    I'm tired of getting my hopes and dreams up for one guy and then he take them away . I can't even ask people for help beacuse I will alway think that my my hopes and dreams will be killed . Like always .
    And i don't know what to do .
    I get so confused when a guys plays with my heart.

    And my problem now is . The guy I have liked for the last 2 mouths has told me that he dosen't want to talk to me any more for what my friend ang is doing and saying to him . I told her not to say any thing but she dosen't care what just came out of my mouth .
    HE has so much shit going on in his life and he dosen't want a gf . I said "okay fine .. I 'm okay with that" . For i'm the same why .. kindda. there is so much shit going on but i do want to be with him right now but If he dosen't want to be my bf right now i'll wait for him . but I don't know how long i should wait. And i want to talk to him and see what is going on in his life but he is the kind of guy that will keep it all in even though i have told him that i care for him and when he need me and to talk to me i'm always here.
    But how I'm i soppest to help him if he dosen't even want to talk to me . He told my friend ang that he wasnt to kill himself, and i told my friend that has been friends with the guy i like for 5 years now annd he told me don't worry he will not kill himslef .. it harder then you think .. well i know that but i'm still afriend he is going to do something.
    What do i do ? do I stop talking to him or try to talk to him ?

    I want to be with him when he wants to be with me . ANd Like i said before . I get my hopes and dreams up so they can be crushed . I don't want to be crushed by this guy . HE seem's to perfect for me . Even though there is nothing called perfect. He seems to be . Every thing i look for in a guy . It's flippin crazy ! but ....
    Do i give up be for i get crushed or keep trying ?

  • IfYouWantMe
    17 years ago

    I say try and talk to him. Stress that if he is not ready for a relationship that you respect that, but that you do want to be a part of his life. Tell him you still want to be able to talk. And don't you dare walk away!! Stand firm!! Show him that you care!! Be there. Don't pressure him, but no matter what if you don't want to lose him as a friend, you will take what you can get right...if friendship is all he can offer you...Take it and run!! Be his friend! In the end it could bring you so much closer. Bc he will realize that you care and that you were there through the hard times.

    And quit hanging with that girl who is telling all your business. She isn't your friend if she acts like that!! She probably wanted him for herself.

    Hope this helps sweety.

  • Windsong
    17 years ago

    "And quit hanging with that girl who is telling all your business. She isn't your friend if she acts like that!! She probably wanted him for herself. "

    comment to that . i forgot to say it lol
    but ya she has been my friend since we have both been babys so its kindda hard to end the friendship . and she has a boyfriend that she loves lol ... but ya
    thank you ... best help so far