What scares you the most... 5 things

  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago

    Destroying the love I have

    that counts for 5

  • Christina
    16 years ago

    1.) Heights
    2.)Not falling in love with the right person
    3.)Losing my friends and Family
    4.) Drowning
    5.) Bugs (especially Centipeds and anything with thousands of legs.)

  • Jemma
    16 years ago

    1 Losing those I love
    2 Being alone
    3 Never finding my 'niche' and end up drifiting from dead end to dead end
    4 Spiders
    5 Mirrors in the dark

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Why do mirrors in the dark scare you? water in the dark scares me....

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    Why do mirrors in the dark scare you? water in the dark scares me....

  • Blackstar
    16 years ago

    1 lose the one i love ( Boyfriend,Friends and family)
    2 being alone
    3 People who hate me
    4 being forgotten
    5 Friends who ignore me

  • Jessica
    16 years ago

    1. Complete chaos
    2. Cockroaches
    3. Abandonment
    4. Zombies (I know it sounds dumb, but theres always a chance....)
    5. Losing control

  • JustifiedSinner
    16 years ago

    1. The dark
    2. Never finding someone that truely cares for me
    3. Abandonment
    4. Murky water
    5. Dying before I have a chance to live

  • Lonely Rider
    16 years ago

    1) losing my near n dear ones
    2) nvr finding true love
    3) ..
    4) ..
    5) ..

    dats all... im afraid of only these two things...

  • bequi
    16 years ago

    Loosing my baby / welfare of my baby/
    that mom will be very angry and do unbecming things

  • Winter Rose
    16 years ago

    1. Blindness and deafness at the same time...
    2. Diseases...
    3. Depression I was put through for the past years.
    4. Everyone close to me dying
    5. Failing

  • Teria
    16 years ago

    1. Not keeping my life together.
    2. Losing my Grandmother ( or any family at that )
    3. My dog getting lose and dying.
    4. My brother taking my insults to heart.
    5. My father never wanting to redo the whole relationship thing.

  • Xx Alone in my Quandary xX
    16 years ago

    1-failing grades.
    2-scared from all kind of animals.
    3-scared of being alöne.
    4-from back stabbing which my old friend used to do.
    5-sick of watching the feuds b/w my parents

  • crazygurl
    16 years ago

    and not really anything else

  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    16 years ago

    1. chocking to death
    2. being kidnapped
    3. being burned alive
    4. being alone and rejected
    5. my boyfriend cheating on me

  • Natalie
    16 years ago

    1. Being alone.
    2. Dying.
    3. Not reaching my goals.
    4. Not meeting my Mr. Darcy.
    5. The notion that life is not worth living.

  • Ammo
    16 years ago

    1.0 Burning to death
    2.0 Never finding love again
    3.0 Terminal illness - not the dying just the Journey
    4.0 Dentist
    5.0 Us

  • khate
    16 years ago

    1. Losing a friend
    2. People hating me
    3. Someone sneak up behind me
    4. Left alone
    5. Being helpless

    i'm not afraid to lose my love,.

    'coz i already lose them,


  • Sarah
    16 years ago

    1. hatred
    2. love
    3. life
    4. rejection
    5. life

  • Sarah Dawn
    16 years ago

    5. Being Alone
    4. Never loving anyone
    3. Losing the people I care about
    2. Living to be older than 85
    1. Falling in love and not being loved back