17 years ago
Ok so i have this little group at school which consists of me, my best friend, two other close friends of mine and another close boy-friend of mine. The problem is one of the girls gets so jelous of me and my best friend coz we are best friends! For example, if i stay at my best friends house she gets angry with us and says we are "excuding her" then the other day she was sitting with the cool kids at school n we asked if she was gonna sit with us and she snobbed us! We want her to be our friend but it gets really frustrating when she gets angry at us when we arnt meaning to be mean to her! |
Jenni Marie
17 years ago
Have you even talked to her about this? explained that you're not purposely excluding her? she may just feel that you are as she's not getting an invite for the sleepovers. as for bitching about you behind your back, have you confronted her? if you haven't, wouldn't you be better of doing so? because the way i am seeing it is she bitched about you to another friend so you're complaining/bitching about her on a website. doesn't that make you just as bad? however if you have confronted her about all of this and she still hasn't changed, she's not worth it. she should respect that you and your boyfriend are happy together if she didn't mention that she liked him to before you guys started dating. a true friend would be happy for YOUR happiness. |
17 years ago
'cool kids' |
Sherry Lynn
17 years ago
This thread belongs in the friendship forum; henceforth, that is where I am moving it to. |