15 Questions about you

  • Bre Monique
    17 years ago

    1. How old are you? 17
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? yeah, i have asthma
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? omg yes
    4. Ever been in love? no
    5. Ever been lost? yes, i cried
    6. One wish....... to run until him again and have him tell me he wants to try it one more time
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? my sister
    8. Ever ran away from home? nope
    9. Cried and didn't know why? yeah
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? NEW YORK
    11. Danced in the mirror? yeah lol
    12. Sung in the shower? all the time
    13. Made a snow angel? no
    14. Wished time would stop? When? when i see cute shoes for $150...then i could grab them and run lol
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? yeah

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    [ post answer ]
    Ok heres the form fill it in :D

    1. How old are you? 20
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? i think so
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? yes
    4. Ever been in love? yes
    5. Ever been lost? yes
    6. One wish.......more wishes
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? alex
    8. Ever ran away from home? yes
    9. Cried and didn't know why? no
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? the mall haha
    11. Danced in the mirror? yeah
    12. Sung in the shower? yeah
    13. Made a snow angel? no
    14. Wished time would stop? When? yes in his arms
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? yes

  • Suicidal Love
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?

    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    yeh, i get panic attacks alot

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?

    4. Ever been in love?

    5. Ever been lost?
    yh, when i ran away

    6. One wish.......
    that life wasn't such a mess

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    my brother, greg, tim, si or bethany

    8. Ever ran away from home?
    way too many times

    9. Cried and didn't know why?

    10. Been to a great place? where was it?
    the stables

    11. Danced in the mirror?

    12. Sung in the shower?

    13. Made a snow angel?
    `no , we dont get much snow

    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    yeh, when me and my ex were just sitting curled up together

    15. Laughed so hard you cried?

  • FountainsOfBlood
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?
    4. Ever been in love?
    5. Ever been lost?
    6. One wish.......
    change the past
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    best friend carrie
    8. Ever ran away from home?
    9. Cried and didn't know why?
    all the time
    10. Been to a great place? where was it?
    11. Danced in the mirror?
    12. Sung in the shower?
    13. Made a snow angel?
    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    when im sad :(
    15. Laughed so hard you cried?

  • BubblyJolie
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 17
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Yes
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? yes
    4. Ever been in love? No, I don't believe it exists.
    5. Ever been lost? No
    6. One wish....... That I get to meet Hugh Laurie!!
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? Ann
    8. Ever ran away from home? no
    9. Cried and didn't know why? nYes
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Yes. Snoqualmie Falls
    11. Danced in the mirror? Yes
    12. Sung in the shower? All the time
    13. Made a snow angel? Yes
    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yes, during my friends death
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yes


  • Beautiful Forever
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 20
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Several times
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Always
    4. Ever been in love? yes -- currently am
    5. Ever been lost? A couple of times
    6. One wish....... To be with Amira for ever
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? Amira
    8. Ever ran away from home? Once
    9. Cried and didn't know why? Multiple times
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Florida!
    11. Danced in the mirror? No
    12. Sung in the shower? Shh... *confidential*
    13. Made a snow angel? DUH! Who hasn't?
    14. Wished time would stop? When? When I was in Florida with Krystin
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? More than once

  • oNice
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 18

    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Whenever I'm in tekwando and get kicked hard in the gut. yeah.

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Sure plenty

    4. Ever been in love? yeah

    5. Ever been lost? Yes..

    6. One wish....... turn back the hands of time

    7. Who would be the person you would give your
    life for? My sister

    8. Ever ran away from home? nope

    9. Cried and didn't know why? not really

    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Standing on top of Muju mountain with my snowboard

    11. Danced in the mirror? Doing the Melbourne shuffle and catwalk LOL

    12. Sang in the shower? Not usually

    13. Made a snow angel? Yeah at the bottom of a hill than ran into it with while snowboarding!

    14. Wished time would stop? When? yeah. Being with that one special person for those few short moments

    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Plenty of times!

  • Isabelle
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 14
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? yes
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? many times!
    4. Ever been in love? Twice actually. My heart was broken both times.
    5. Ever been lost? Nope.
    6. One wish.......That the girl of my dreams would love me back...without the boyfriend.
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? Betsy
    8. Ever ran away from home? Yes
    9. Cried and didn't know why? LOTS OF TIMES!
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? In my lover's arms.
    11. Danced in the mirror? Yes! Lol
    12. Sung in the shower? Sung til it hurt!
    13. Made a snow angel? Every winter I do!
    14. Wished time would stop? When? Not really, idk.
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yes, something about the number 7...o_O

  • Mello193
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 15
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Uh yeah
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Sure
    4. Ever been in love? I am now
    5. Ever been lost? Yeah
    6. One wish.......to be with her
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? Darcie
    8. Ever ran away from home? No
    9. Cried and didn't know why? No
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Nowhere nj
    11. Danced in the mirror? Yurp
    12. Sung in the shower? Haha yeah
    13. Made a snow angel? Yeah
    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yeah, when I was walking with Darcie
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? No

  • Gizmo
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 18
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? all the time i'm asmathic
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? yup
    4. Ever been in love? yup
    5. Ever been lost? Yup
    6. One wish.....for dale to be happy
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? Dale
    8. Ever ran away from home? yup
    9. Cried and didn't know why? yup
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? yup, portugal
    11. Danced in the mirror? Yup
    12. Sung in the shower? Haha yeah
    13. Made a snow angel? Yeah
    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yeah, when I was walking with Darcie
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? No

  • MartyrAmanda
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?
    yea... definately when my straight opinion is in it
    4. Ever been in love?
    nope everytime i get close i get shut down
    5. Ever been lost?
    6. One wish.......
    suside and deppression didnt exist
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    wow theirs a lot of ppl i would give my life for...
    8. Ever ran away from home?
    9. Cried and didn't know why?
    yea lots
    10. Been to a great place? where was it?
    hmm... no...
    11. Danced in the mirror?
    yea.. lol
    12. Sung in the shower?
    yea and my mom would come and knock on the door and say shut up LOL
    13. Made a snow angel?
    yea when i was little now snow creeps me out.. ITS WHITE STUFF FALLING FROM THE SKY...
    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    yea.. when i found out my mom had cancer..
    15. Laughed so hard you cried?
    yea... lots of time...... for absolutly no reason!!

    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?
    4. Ever been in love?
    **I AM NOW....sigh
    5. Ever been lost?
    6. One wish.......
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    8. Ever ran away from home?
    9. Cried and didn't know why?
    10. Been to a great place? where was it?
    11. Danced in the mirror?
    12. Sung in the shower?
    13. Made a snow angel?
    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    15. Laughed so hard you cried?
    **OH YEA....

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?

    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    ~ya, i have asthma

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?

    4. Ever been in love?

    5. Ever been lost?

    6. One wish.......
    ~i wish i didnt have a long distance relationship =[, i want him closer

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    ~anyone that was in danger, not a bad guy though, well mabye

    8. Ever ran away from home?

    9. Cried and didn't know why?
    ~yes! ima girl! we do that!

    10. Been to a great place? where was it?
    ~yes, its Georgia. i love it there!

    11. Danced in the mirror?
    ~lol, not IN the mirror.

    12. Sung in the shower?

    13. Made a snow angel?

    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    ~yea, whenever i wanted it 2.

    15. Laughed so hard you cried?

  • adriaan
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?

    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    Yeah, it was deliberate.

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?
    If you haven't you weren't writing properly.

    4. Ever been in love?

    5. Ever been lost?
    Oh yes. Had the police after me. Man that was cool.

    6. One wish.......
    Ah...I'll get back to you on that.

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    They haven't appeared yet.

    8. Ever ran away from home?

    9. Cried and didn't know why?
    I tried to cry. I'm a guy, I couldn't cry. Darn.

    10. Been to a great place? where was it?

    11. Danced in the mirror?
    I think you need to rephrase that sentence.

    12. Sung in the shower?

    13. Made a snow angel?
    Not enough snow.

    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    If time stopped I'd have to repay that time.

    15. Laughed so hard you cried?
    Yes, ages ago. Oh, man. John Cleese.

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    16 years ago

    . How old are you? 19
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? yes
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? yes
    4. Ever been in love? no
    5. Ever been lost? plenty
    6. One wish....... i dont know
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? i don't know
    8. Ever ran away from home? never
    9. Cried and didn't know why? of course
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? yip Canada
    11. Danced in the mirror? too much lol
    12. Sung in the shower?you know it
    13. Made a snow angel? duh
    14. Wished time would stop? When? i dont recall
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? all the time

    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 17

    2. Ever felt you couldn't breathe? Sure.

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Yes.

    4. Ever been in love? I am now. =]

    5. Ever been lost? Yes.

    6. One wish... ...

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? Chris.

    8. Ever ran away from home? Yes.

    9. Cried and didn't know why? Yes.

    10. Been to a great place? Where was it? Yes. / .My bedroom. rofl.

    11. Danced in the mirror? No.

    12. Sung in the shower? Yes.

    13. Made a snow angel? Yes.

    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yes. A lot of the time.

    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yes.

  • Nee
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?
    18 going 19 soon insha'allah

    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    Yes a couple of times

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?

    4. Ever been in love?
    a damn yeah!

    5. Ever been lost?
    Who isn't?

    6. One wish.......
    I just wanna know what you want from me

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    My mum of course

    8. Ever ran away from home?
    lol, yeah but to the ladder in the building and mum beat me, hehe

    9. Cried and didn't know why?

    10. Been to a great place? where was it?
    Yeah, Azhar park ( a beautiful park in Egypt)

    11. Danced in the mirror?
    lol, Nah.

    12. Sung in the shower?

    13. Made a snow angel?
    No :(

    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    yeah, when I was with my stupid ex

    15. Laughed so hard you cried?
    yeah A LOT =]

  • Hurtingsoul
    16 years ago


  • MusoXDanielle
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?
    4. Ever been in love?
    Hmm... dunno
    5. Ever been lost?
    6. One wish.......
    To live a long a healthy life :-) And be happy
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?
    My best friend
    8. Ever ran away from home?
    9. Cried and didn't know why?
    10. Been to a great place? where was it?
    11. Danced in the mirror?
    12. Sung in the shower?
    13. Made a snow angel?
    14. Wished time would stop? When?
    Yes... a lil while back
    15. Laughed so hard you cried?
    Ooooh, yes!

  • Dark Savior
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 24
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Yes
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Yes
    4. Ever been in love? Yes
    5. Ever been lost? yes
    6. One wish....... TO stop being a screw up
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? My Ex Gf, who I am still really good friends with
    8. Ever ran away from home? Yes, not for long
    9. Cried and didn't know why? Yes
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? never been many places
    11. Danced in the mirror? Yes once or twice
    12. Sung in the shower? Yes
    13. Made a snow angel?Yes
    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yes, a year ago
    15. Laughed so hard you cried?Yes

  • Sorinity
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 17
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Yes
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Yes
    4. Ever been in love? Yes
    5. Ever been lost? yes
    6. One wish....... That I could of seen my grandpa one last time
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? My fiancee or anyone I care about really
    8. Ever ran away from home? Yes, that's why I'm w/ him
    9. Cried and didn't know why? Yes
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Summer camp because I got away from stress
    11. Danced in the mirror? Yes all the time! :)
    12. Sung in the shower? Yes more than dancing in the mirror lolz
    13. Made a snow angel?Yes
    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yes, often
    15. Laughed so hard you cried?Yes

  • March Azel
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you?

    ♥♥♥im 18 years old

    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?

    ♥♥♥ yes

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?


    4. Ever been in love?

    ♥♥♥twice or once ahahahaa yes..

    5. Ever been lost?

    ♥♥♥ maybe once in my life.. i just didnt know wer

    6. One wish.......

    ♥♥♥ to find true love

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?

    ♥♥♥ my love one

    8. Ever ran away from home?

    ♥♥♥ no

    9. Cried and didn't know why?

    ♥♥♥ yea

    10. Been to a great place? where was it?

    ♥♥♥ somwhere.. in cdo

    11. Danced in the mirror?

    ♥♥♥ many times

    12. Sung in the shower?

    ♥♥♥ most of the time

    13. Made a snow angel?

    ♥♥♥ nope

    14. Wished time would stop? When?


    15. Laughed so hard you cried?

    ♥♥♥ yeah many times

  • Cassie Cain
    16 years ago

    1. 19
    2. wen i cry real hard my fingers go numb and i cant breathe
    3. yup, all the time...
    4. still am.lol.
    5. yup
    6. to be forever loved and happy, with my new family
    7. my baby violet and husband david
    8. nope, i thought of it as a dumb idea...i mean i had reasons to but didnt want my mom to get sick or worry.
    9. yup
    10. yea, to oregan, arizona and north lake tahoe.
    12. always
    13. yup
    14. yup, wen david started going to my house it seemed like tym passed by so fast....
    15. yup


  • Jessica
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 15
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? yes!!!!!!!!
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? yep all the time
    4. Ever been in love? yea i am right now
    5. Ever been lost? yes...cry cry
    6. One wish....... For my fmaily to come back and love me forever
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?my best friend, my teacher, my ex, and my fmaily even though they dont care
    8. Ever ran away from home? YES jsut to see if someone even cared
    9. Cried and didn't know why? yes
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? umm idk
    11. Danced in the mirror? YES
    12. Sung in the shower? YES
    13. Made a snow angel? of course!
    14. Wished time would stop? yesWhen? when everything was perfect
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? of course not anymore though

  • Bonnie Rivers
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 23

    2. Ever felt you couldn't breathe? yes.. literally

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? often

    4. Ever been in love? am right now

    5. Ever been lost? yes

    6. One wish....... that my boyfriend would propose some day

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? my boyfriend, or my mom/dad/stepmom

    8. Ever ran away from home? no

    9. Cried and didn't know why? no

    10. Been to a great place? where was it? new york and washington d.c. beautiful at both places

    11. Danced in the mirror? yes

    12. Sung in the shower? definitely

    13. Made a snow angel? yes

    14. Wished time would stop? When? yes, every weekend. thats the only time i see my boyfriend and it always goes by too fast.

    15. Laughed so hard you cried? often

  • Heer
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? MEEEeee- 16
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? - yeah..
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? - LOLmost of the time
    4. Ever been in love? - ONCE
    5. Ever been lost? - yes
    6. One wish....... - TO have MIllions of ohter wisHES
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? - MUM/ dAD
    8. Ever ran away from home?- nop but PLANNED TO
    9. Cried and didn't know why? - yeASSS
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? -dREAMS
    11. Danced in the mirror? - ERM... dONT NO :D
    12. Sung in the shower? - lol YES
    13. Made a snow angel? - ERM.TRIEd
    14. Wished time would stop? When? - yes.. When i was sitting next TO a CUTE gUY IN clAASSsS
    15. Laughed so hard you cried?- YESSsss

  • january friend
    16 years ago


  • Jenni Marie
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 20
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Yeah..
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Countless times
    4. Ever been in love? Ugh...in love now.
    5. Ever been lost? Lost as in sense of direction or with my life? Well anyway, yes to both.
    6. One wish.......To change what happened
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? Katie, Mart
    8. Ever ran away from home? Too many times
    9. Cried and didn't know why? No
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? paris, also Blackpool cause it was just me and Mart and it was all the more special
    11. Danced in the mirror? No
    12. Sung in the shower? Yeah
    13. Made a snow angel? No
    14. Wished time would stop? When? When I was in his arms..
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yeah

  • Unamed
    16 years ago

    Here's mine!

    1. How old are you?...16

    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe?...no

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing?....yeah

    4. Ever been in love?....no

    5. Ever been lost?...not really..

    6. One wish....... i wish...idk...

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for?....my cousin stacey

    8. Ever ran away from home?...no

    9. Cried and didn't know why?....yes

    10. Been to a great place? where was it?...yes...switzerland!

    11. Danced in the mirror?...haha..yeah

    12. Sung in the shower? everyday...and badly..haha

    13. Made a snow angel?...yep!

    14. Wished time would stop? When? yes, but i cnt remember

    15. Laughed so hard you cried?haha yes, last night! haha


    <3 Aly

  • Jamie Lorraine
    16 years ago

    not really
    to see my grandma
    my boyfriend
    yes when my grandma died

  • Silent Versifier
    16 years ago

    1. Old enough
    2. Yeah, when I saw a needle on my bed!!!LOL
    3. Yeah
    4. Too many times
    5.NO. I always know my way
    6. To be a trillionaire
    7. Uhm...Ne-Yo
    8.No. There's no place like home
    9. No, I hardly ever cry, IM UNBREAKABLE
    10.Yeah, DREAMLAND
    11. ff course I do it all the time
    12. Duh??? Hwo duznt
    13. No. see dats 4 kiddies
    14. No. I wished time could go back, whe i mised a train to heaven.
    15. YES YES

  • CanUKissAwayMyPain
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? im 15
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? yes when i saw him
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? almost all the time
    4. Ever been in love? yes n i love it but now it why did i fall for him
    5. Ever been lost? al the times
    6. One wish....... i wish i could be a vampire..lol
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? i really cant pick. i would die n die again for my friends happiness
    8. Ever ran away from home? yes a lot
    9. Cried and didn't know why? yes happens mostly every night
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? well i would say a great place would be here..
    11. Danced in the mirror? no.. i dislike dancing
    12. Sung in the shower? hehehe... yes
    13. Made a snow angel? nope.. never been in the snow or seen it
    14. Wished time would stop? When? yes when i get in trouble so i can runaway from it
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? yes..

  • Brittany C
    16 years ago

    1. how old are you? 20
    2. ever felt like you couldn't breath? Kind of
    3. ever got lost in what you were writing? Yes
    4. ever been in love? yes
    5. ever been lost? not physicaly
    6. one wish... to be in my bf's arms.
    7. who would be the one person you would give your life for? My bf
    8. ever ran away from home? nope
    9. cried and didn't know why? yes
    10. been to a great place? yes. where was it? Germany.
    11. danced in a mirror? yes
    12. sung in the shower? a time or two
    13. made a snow angel? a long time ago
    14. wished time would stop? nope
    15. laughed so hard you cried? yeah

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    1. how old are you? 17
    2. ever felt like you couldn't breath? yes, panic attacks.
    3. ever got lost in what you were writing? Yes
    4. ever been in love? yes, my soulmate
    5. ever been lost? yes in the woods
    6. one wish... to make a difference.
    7. who would be the one person you would give your life for? to bring back my gran and let her live
    8. ever ran away from home? yes
    9. cried and didn't know why? yes
    10. been to a great place? i have, where? oxford. 11. danced in a mirror? nopw
    12. sung in the shower? dont think so
    13. made a snow angel? yes
    14. wished time would stop? not really
    15. laughed so hard you cried? yup

  • Poet on the Piano
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 13
    2. Ever felt like you couldn't breath? Yes
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? Yes
    4. Ever been in love? No, not yet
    5. Ever been lost? Yes
    6. One wish...For there to be justice
    7. Who would be the one person you would give your life for? My mom
    8. Ever ran away from home? No
    9. Cried and didn't know why? Yes
    10. Been to a great place? Yes, Maryland
    11. Danced in a mirror? Yes
    12. Sung in the shower? Yes, very often
    13. Made a snow angel? Oh yes
    14. Wished time would stop? Yes, don't we all at some point?
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yes

  • xxxStarSxxx
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 17
    2. Ever felt you couldnt breathe? Yes....
    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? So many times
    4. Ever been in love? Once
    5. Ever been lost? Yep
    6. One wish....... I wish that I could get over him fast
    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? My ex... still. and two of my best friends.
    8. Ever ran away from home? umm... yea. about that...
    9. Cried and didn't know why? I know why now
    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Yes, Youth group. :)
    11. Danced in the mirror? IN the mirror... no. in fron of the mirror... yes
    12. Sung in the shower? all the time
    13. Made a snow angel? :) tots
    14. Wished time would stop? When? I have wished that, when everything was good with him
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yeppers

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 18

    2. Ever felt you couldn't breathe? Yes when I kissed my first love

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? No

    4. Ever been in love? Yes

    5. Ever been lost? Yes

    6. One wish....... To be with him again

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? My Sister Jasmine

    8. Ever ran away from home? No

    9. Cried and didn't know why? Yes

    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Yes, Nashville

    11. Danced in the mirror? No

    12. Sung in the shower? No

    13. Made a snow angel? Yes

    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yes When We Were Kissing

    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yes

  • TeenXLoveXTragedy
    16 years ago

    1. How old are you? 17

    2. Ever felt you couldn't breathe? Yes

    3. Ever got lost in what you were writing? yes

    4. Ever been in love? Yes

    5. Ever been lost? Yes

    6. One wish....... For Everything to work out the way it's all supposed to

    7. Who would be the person you would give your life for? There's too many

    8. Ever ran away from home? yes

    9. Cried and didn't know why? Yes

    10. Been to a great place? where was it? Yes, Chicago

    11. Danced in the mirror? yes

    12. Sung in the shower? yes

    13. Made a snow angel? Yes

    14. Wished time would stop? When? Yes When he held me
    15. Laughed so hard you cried? Yes

  • Italian Stallion
    16 years ago

    Time for a new thread...if truely wanted...