Just a Question...

  • Brittany
    17 years ago

    I got a comment awhile ago, and I found it hard to take, because it went back on a lot of things my poetry "mentor" has taught me.

    At the end of the comment I wanted to simply message the person and explain why I didn't think their comment made sense. I refrained however because at the end they requested that I was not to take offense, and I felt that the message I would have sent may have seemed really defensive like someone who took offense from a comment.
    This person commented on the flow, how my poem didn't rhyme, and how there was no structure.

    Okay, I accept that the flow was not on for that reader, and I respect that part of the comment.

    But telling me it has to rhyme? I thought that was stepping over the line just a bit. There are tons of poems that are amazing that do not rhyme.

    And the comment about structure, well that's what confused me, because according to my mentor, if your writing free verse, you are free to create whatever structure you'd like. It's YOUR poem.

    So I was wondering if anyone else has ever gotten a comment that didn't make sense to them.
    Or if anyone agrees with my definition of free verse, because honestly, if I'm the one who's confused, I'd like to know, because I absolutely love writing and want to learn.

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    A guy heard me call myself a decent poet so he decided to comment on my poem "hero? no, villain" and his comment completely tore my poem apart and berated me as a failed poet.

    lo and behold the guy did it just because i said i was a decent poet. i figured his comments were cruel and wrong

  • Four Letter Lie
    17 years ago

    I agree. its your poem and u decide how it works. poems dont have 2 rhyme!!!!! this person needs 2 get a hobbie if al they do if leave comments to annoy people, pathetic.

  • xXMohawkedMahemXx
    17 years ago

    I agree with what you say about free verse... its YOUR poem and the end of the day and they dont need to rhyme.. xx